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Bring Me The Horizon Announces New EP, Starring Babymetal And Amy Lee


Bring Me The Horizon surprised fans with the announcement of a new EP, “POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR”.

The EP, announced overnight, follows the group’s two releases in 2019: the studio album ‘amo’ and the EP ‘Music to Listen To…’.

It will feature nine songs in total, three of which have already been released. The group released ‘Ludens’ in November 2019, as part of the video game soundtrack.Death Stranding. This was followed in June 2020 by “ Parasite Eve ”, and again last month with the release of the Yungblud “ Obey ” collaboration.

Additionally, Japanese band BABYMETAL, London duo Nova Twins and Evanescence singer Amy Lee will all appear on the EP. It is the first time that each act has worked with the group.

Lee took to Twitter to express his excitement for his collaboration, titled ‘One Day The Only Butterflies Left Will Be In Your Chest As You Walk To Your Death’.

“I can’t WAIT for this to come out. I love our collaboration so much, ”she wrote.


posted by BRING ME THE HORIZON sure Wednesday October 14, 2020

Bring Me The Horizon has recorded ‘POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR’ periodically over the past year. Vocalist Oli Sykes and keyboardist Jordan Fish also produced the EP, alongside video game composer Mick Gordon.

The group also said it will be the first of several EPs under the “POST HUMAN” banner.

Bring Me The Horizon, 2020 Credit: Press

The idea behind Posthuman is to look at how we got out of evolution and the food chain, Sykes told NME earlier this year. If we can do this then we can take responsibility for what we have done to the planet and become something better than what humans are now.

He continued: People are consuming music so quickly these days and it’s great to have something new to look forward to. After [recent single] Parasite Eve, you are going to hear music from us much more regularly. These EPs can be six to 10 tracks each, so if it’s a record, it’s a record. I don’t think it’s good to go back to work on an album for a year without any touring and then release it and everyone consumed it in a few days.

Sykes added: What I would love to do is release tracks from each of these new records whenever it feels relevant and resonates, rather than having to wait. When a moment strikes me, the best thing I can do is write a song about it. It is a very loose plan. If we want to collaborate with an electronic artist and drop this track at any time, we will.

“POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR” will be released on October 30 via Sony / RCA.

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