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Meet filmmaker, actress and podcaster Karina Michel – Film Daily


Karina Michel started her career in the entertainment industry when she was only seventeen. Her work began with a modeling career in New York City. At the age of 22, Michel moved from coast to coast to settle in Los Angeles, California. Once there, she began to act and produce.

Since then, Karina Michel has produced numerous television and film projects, including her first producer credit on The balancing act for Lifetime, a morning show devoted to women’s issues. Michel is also an entertainment reporter for Authority Magazine, and during the pandemic, she launched her own podcast.

The podcast is called Coffee with Karina and features various inspiring guests who share tips on working in the entertainment industry. Some of the last guests on Coffee with Karina include Rebecca Breitel and Lauren Jenai.

Michel has worked in the film industry for over 23 years now and wants to inspire others to make their own dream careers a reality.

We had the chance to ask Michel a few questions about her career, that’s what she had to say.

Q: How did you start producing and working in the film industry?

A: I started working in New York as a model at 17, then in Los Angeles at 22. For 12 years in Los Angeles, I worked in all areas of print, advertisements, TV shows and film. I looked behind the scenes and learned a lot about how the industry works and what it takes to be successful.

However, I feel like I’m still learning, because things are constantly evolving and changing. My first production credit was on this little feature film in Los Angeles. I was there as an actress and asked if I could also be an associate producer. It shows that it never hurts to just stand outside and ask.

Q: Who or what inspired you to become a producer?

A: I am really inspired by filmmaker Sofia Coppola. I think she’s really amazing. I don’t remember seeing a lot of producers or filmmakers when I started. Now that is starting to change as we see the industry becoming more inclusive.

Q: What are your favorite projects so far?

A: I was so lucky to be on the movie Little Miss Sumo as an executive producer it’s an amazing story about a Japanese sumo wrestler called Hiyori (she won the Best British Film Award at the Manchester Film Festival 2019 and is now available on Netflix). I’m also very proud of two short films highlighting mental health at the moment: I am with Oriane Pick, and Self charm with Ella Greenwood, they get a lot of buzz.

Mental health has become such a talking point in 2020 and I’m really proud to be at the forefront of that, especially outside of the UK where I’m from. I also started a podcast, Coffee with Karina, where I talk to celebrities and thought leaders about their travels and what inspires them. Mental health has steadily increased as I feel everyone has dealt with it to some level this year.

It’s refreshing to hear that everyone has doubts and makes mistakes; it’s part of the growth cycle.

Q: Tell us about your next project.

A: My production company Tallulah Movies has a movie called To the moon due out next year, it’s a psychological thriller with an A-List cast. We also have a feature documentary currently in production.

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to become successful producers and filmmakers?

A: It’s important to be who you are and if something interests you, go for it. Take part in projects where you can come together and learn from the best. Take risks and don’t be afraid of rejection, it’s just a business. Working in the fashion or film industry can be incredibly rewarding and a lot of fun. There are so many jobs on a plateau, so start out as a PA to gain experience or help someone who needs help. Collaborating with great people is so important.

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