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Selena Gomez slams Facebook over COVID-19 misinformation: ‘Going to be responsible for thousands of deaths’

Selena Gomez slams Facebook over COVID-19 misinformation: ‘Going to be responsible for thousands of deaths’
Selena Gomez slams Facebook over COVID-19 misinformation: ‘Going to be responsible for thousands of deaths’


This week, pop star Selena Gomez accused Facebook of allowing lies about the coronavirus pandemic and the vaccine to spread on its platform, claiming the social media giant is responsible for thousands of deaths. he was not acting now!

The founder of Rare Beauty took to Twitter in response to a BBC News interview with Center for Countering Digital Hate CEO Imi Ahmed, who said social media companies are not doing enough to tackle disinformation .

The truth is we’ve been overwhelmed by social media companies that say they’re doing everything they can, but in reality they’re doing absolutely nothing, Ahmed told the BBC.

Gomez shared the video, writing that scientific disinformation has cost and will cost lives.

@Facebooksaid they don’t allow lies about COVID and vaccines to spread on their platforms. So how is it that all of this is still happening? Facebook will be responsible for thousands of deaths if they don’t act now! she wrote.

Facebook announced earlier this month that it would remove false claims about the safety, efficacy, ingredients or side effects of coronavirus vaccines.

Critics blasted Facebook, saying the platform has become fertile ground for misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. Distribution of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines began in the United States earlier this month.

In a statement to BillboardFollowing Gomezs’ post, a Facebook spokesperson said the company is committed to reaching as many people as possible with accurate vaccine information and has started partnerships with the WHO. [World Health Organization] and Unicef ​​to do just that.

We have banned advertisements that discourage people from getting vaccinated and reduced the number of people who see hoaxes about vaccines verified by the WHO and the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] CDC, Facebook said in a statement. We also tag pages and groups that repeatedly share vaccine hoaxes, reduce their posts in the News Feed, and don’t recommend them to anyone. We continue to remove accounts and content that break our rules and are the only company working with over 80 fact-checking organizations around the world. “

This is not the first time that Gomez has criticized Facebook.

Earlier this month, she said she was left speechless after the Center for Countering Digital Hate said neo-Nazis were selling racist products on Facebook and Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.

In September, she shared a screenshot of a message she sent to the co-founder and CEO of Facebook Mark ZuckerbergMark Elliot ZuckerbergFacebook feud with Apple escalates Hillicon Valley: Lawmakers call for action after ‘devastating’ cyberattack on federal government | US cyber agency issues emergency directive following hacks | FTC Opens Privacy Investigation on Major Internet Platforms Facebook Is Most Serious Disruption Threat Yet Following Lawsuits READ MORE as well as Director of Operations Sheryl Sandberg regarding hate speech.

“I’m calling on you both to HELP STOP THIS.” Please close groups and users focused on spreading hate speech, violence and disinformation. Our future depends on it, she wrote. It’s an election year. We cannot afford to have false information about the vote. There must be fact-checking and accountability. Hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

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