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Megan Thee Stallion fans slam Harper’s Bazaar photoshoot


Rapper Megan Thee Stallion covers March Harper’s Bazaar, but her fans are quite disappointed with the subdued image, adding her to a growing list of prominent black women whose recent magazine covers have sparked the talk about how their vibrancy is being downplayed.

The Savage host, 26, didn’t seem to care, and shared the photos on his Instagram account on Friday. She captioned the MUST-HAVE IM HOTTIES images ON THE COVER OF @harpersbazaarus, and many of her followers have praised her natural look and crisp finish.

For memory:

14:27, Feb. 19, 2021February 19, 2:20 p.m .: An earlier version of this story incorrectly referred to photographer Collier Schorr as him rather than her.

She apparently reviewed and helped edit the photos, Collier Schorr, the photographer who took them, revealed shortly after the images lit up social media.

But that adulation was not conveyed in other comments on the photos. In fact, reviews diverged considerably from the uplifting nature of the magazine’s cover that Megan was at the top of her game, finishing college and defending her right to be young, black, and free.

Instagram and Twitter users called photographer Schorrs a boring, bland and messy minimalist photoshoot despite Samira Nasr’s haute couture style that featured model Megan Alaa, Chanel, Prada and Saint Laurent.

Likewise, Vogue was recently dragged in for its cover shoot of Vice President Kamala Harris and last year’s cover with Olympic gymnast Simone Biles.

In July, Vanity Fair was briefly celebrated for enlisting Dario Calmese as the first black photographer to shoot a cover for the magazine. But the striking photos of Calmeses by Oscar-winner Viola Davis were quickly criticized when he revealed the cover image was a recreation of The Scourged Back, a heartbreaking 1863 photograph of a former slave.

It is not known what inspired Schorr for Harpers Bazaar, although it is clear that some fans weren’t buying what he was selling.

A Twitter user wrote that the magazine should be ashamed of making a vibrant young woman look washed out and accused the professional photographer of taking pictures worse than selfies. Others have called for Schorr to be fired.

The quality of the photos could have been better, one commenter wrote on Shade Rooms post. Another commenter said: Something is wrong, while someone else rang with Wtf who doesn’t even look like Meg

Representatives for Megan Thee Stallion and Harpers Bazaar did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Times.

In a statement posted to his Instagram account on Friday, Schorr said the rapper helped edit the footage after taking it.

Most remarkable experience taking photos with Megan Thee Stallion who discussed each image and then edited with me, Schorr wrote. In charge of her total collaboration as it should be to make new images of her together at this time of her life. @Samiranasr’s style allowed for all the play and exploration. I am grateful to work this way. Share visions.

The general consensus over his post supported his creative decisions as a preservation of Megans’ natural appearance. Others still dragged the photographer for missing the mark.

Incidentally, Megans’ interview with writer Lauren Michele Jackson discussed the tension of being the Shining Star’s alter ego and how the artist experienced a smoother, more natural approach to her. makeup: nobody can tell me how to be the Hot Girl, says the rapper.

The interview is the last of Hot Girl Summer and WAP animates a traumatic and transformative year, which comes just before she graduates in health administration and will be fighting for Best New Artist at the Grammy Awards next month. .

I realize I don’t have to be glamorous every time you see me, because I’m just more comfortable with myself and more comfortable with my skin, said Megan in the interview. I know I’m a person that everyone is watching, and they’re like, Oh, Megan, she’s a confident woman. She’s so strong. But you have to go through things to become that person.

Jackson wrote in his profile: His control has been hard earned. She may not always decide which narratives follow her image, but the Megan we see is the Megan she wants to be.

And yet, this doesn’t seem like the version fans expect to see. Here are other reactions to the image of the Harpers Bazaar.

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