More accusers come forward; the couple responds
Rapper TI and his wife Tameka “Tiny” Harris open up allegations against them after three other accusers filed abuse complaints against the couple.
Lawyer Tyrone Blackburn, which already represents 11 other accusers, detained three other accusers seeking a criminal investigation into TI (real name Clifford Joseph Harris Jr.), Tameka “Tiny” Harris and their associates, a lawyer representative confirmed to USA TODAY.
The latest allegations concern drugs, sex trafficking and rape. None of the accusers shared their names.
Steve Sadow, the couple’s attorney, called the new allegations “slanderous” in a statement to USA TODAY, asking the accusers “to come out publicly.”
“By hiding behind anonymous allegations, anonymous accusers are effectively making themselves uncredible and unbelievable. We say stop trying to manipulate the press and hijack the justice system, and let the light shine on their identities so that we can refute these outrageous accusations. “
One of the most shocking claims comes from a woman who details a meeting with the couple in Miami when she was 20. She says TI forced her to swallow a pill and take a powdered substance, which drugged her. She alleges that Tiny then started having sex and that she could not consent.
Another woman, also 20 at the time, claims to have been drugged and raped by TI and one of her male friends, still in Miami, in May 2010. Blackburn says she received the victim’s medical records.
The third accuser says she was sexually trafficked in Nevada, California and Florida by the couple.
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Last month, Blackburn said he represented 11 people who allege “forced drugs, kidnapping, rape and intimidation in at least two states, including California and Georgia” against the Harrises, as well as members of their inner circle. Blackburn said he had also been in contact with witnesses to the alleged abuse.
“These criminal allegations cover over 15 years of methodical and sadistic abuse against women in various locations across the country,” read a statement from Blackburn provided to USA TODAY on March 1. “These individual allegations portray eerily consistent allegations of women before or after immediately entering the (Harrises) house, hotel, or tour bus (who) were coerced by Tiny into ingesting drugs or drugs administered to unwittingly to interfere with the victims’ ability to consent to subsequent despicable sexual acts. “
TI and Tiny have denied these allegations through Sadow.
“Clifford (TI) and Tameka Harris deny in the strongest terms these unsubstantiated and unfounded allegations,” he said. “We are confident that if these allegations are thoroughly and fairly investigated, no charges will be laid. These allegations are nothing more than the continuation of a sordid shakedown campaign that has started on social media. The Harrises implore everyone not to get caught up in these obvious attempts to manipulate the press and abuse the justice system.
Blackburn sent criminal referrals to U.S. and state attorneys in Georgia and California, as well as the Los Angeles district attorney’s office, requesting criminal investigations, the statement noted. A representative from the Georgia Attorney General’s Office confirmed receiving the request but declined to comment further. USA TODAY has also contacted the California Attorney General’s Office.
Separately, Blackburn depicts a woman who says she has a 10-year history with the couple and alleges TI held a gun to her head after an altercation with her assistant. Sabrina Peterson convicted the couple of libel and intentional conflict of emotional distress, among other things. Previously, she had taken her allegations to social media, leading other women to come forward to Blackburn. TI has denied its allegations on its social accounts.
In January, TI took up the charges against him and his wife on social media.
“Everything we have done has been done with consensual adults. We have never forced anyone, we have never drugged anyone against their will, we have never detained anyone against their will, we have never never made anyone do anything, ”TI said in aEight minute video shared on Instagram. “I have never raped anyone, never raped anyone.”
Contribution: Rasha Ali, HannahYasharoff
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