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Tenali Rama actor Amit Mistry dies of heart attack; Dilip Joshi, Shekhar Suman and others offer their condolences


Actor Amit Mistry dies of heart attack

Actor Amit Mistry dies of heart attack

Actor Amit Mistry, who has been seen on shows like Tenali Rama and movies like Kya Kehna, Ek Chalis Ki Last Local, 99, Shor In The City, Yamla Pagla Deewana, Bey Yaar, A Gentleman, died on Friday morning (April 23). due to a heart attack. The actor was also seen in the original Bandish Bandits series from Amazon Prime Video.

The Association of Cinema and Television Artists (CINTAA) offered its condolences on Twitter for the disappearance of actor Amit Mistry. The association’s official Twitter handle paid tribute to the actor. He tweeted: “#CINTAA expresses its deepest condolences for the demise of #AmitMistry (member since 2004)

The news of Amit Mistry’s death came as a shock to the industry. Actors like Dilip Joshi, Shekhar Suman, Karan Grover, Kubbra Sait and others have taken to social media to express their grief and offer condolences. Kubbra Sait tweeted: “You will be missed on earth @Actoramitmistry Condolences to the family.” Ashwin Mushran said: “I have worked with #AmitMistry many times and had the pleasure of seeing how brilliant he was on stage. He will be missed by all of us on stage and on screen. Condolences to his family”

Dilip Joshi tweeted: “Absolutely shocking and unbelievable … Amit Mistry has left for the heavenly abode ………… still can’t believe it.”

Shekhar Suman: My co-star in the series “Saath pheron ki here pheri” (2018), actor Amit Mistry died of cardiac arrest this morning. Absolutely shocked to hear this news. A fairly young man and a talented actor. I’m gonna miss you mate. . RIP

Vir Das: I was ready to start filming a show of which Amit Mistry is an integral part. His talent, his insight was a thing to see. We have lost a truly wonderful artist today. Rest in peace.

Amit Mistry was scheduled to be seen in the Bollywood film Bhoot Police, also starring Saif Ali Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Jaqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam and Fatima Sana Shaikh. His manager claimed the actor was fine and had no health problems, but after breakfast he complained of chest pain and collapsed.

Meanwhile, music composer Shravan Rathod, admitted to hospital after testing positive for COVID-19, breathed his last breath Thursday.

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