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Gordon Ramsay’s wife Tana looks stunning in a wedding dress 25 years later


Tana Ramsay with her boss husband Gordon Ramsay and in her wedding dress 25 years later

The Tanas dress was also a classic choice (Photo: Rex / Shutterstock / Instagram / tanaramsay)

Gordon Ramsay’s wife Tana shared a clip of herself in her 25-year-old wedding dress and she still looks like the gorgeous bride.

Taking to Instagram in the middle of a large house sorting, the 46-year-old took a moment to try on her wedding dress and shared it with her followers.

Spinning on a thick and comfy white carpet, wearing the ivory satin A-line gown, Tana commented: Emptying our house and unearthing my wedding dress 25 years and 5 pregnancies later and happy to say that she is still going # mamasstillgotit.

Laughing for the camera, Tana, who looked sensational, tagged her husband in her post.

The 54-year-old chef didn’t take the time to respond, writing simply: Omfg @ tanaramsay

The couple married in 1996 and share children Megan, 23, twins Holly and Jack, 21, Matilda, 19, and Oscar, two.

Oscar was born after Tana miscarried in 2016 when she was five months old. She and Gordon named their late son Rocky.

The cookbook authors’ comments were flooded with admiration, as fans complimented her on her stunning beauty, as well as her classic dress.

Many have suggested that she should wear the dress again if she and the Hells Kitchen star renew their vows, with one fan tagging Gordon in response to her comment with: It’s time for a vow renewal Chef.

Responding to the quarter of a century that had passed since Tana last wore it, one follower wrote: And not looking a day older!

Megan Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay, Matilda Ramsay, Tana Ramsay, Holly Ramsay, Jack Ramsay at the 2016 BAFTA Children's Awards

Tana and Gordon have been married since 1996 (Photo: Vianney Le Caer / Shutterstock)

Another commented, You look amazing, before joking: You must have a fabulous metabolism, have a chef for a husband who cooks all those delicious meals!

Britains Got Talent judge Amanda Holden applauded Tanas’ practice session with hand-clapping applause and heart emojis.

In early July, Gordon offered to pay for a couple’s wedding on a Cornish beach after his TV crew accidentally interrupted their ceremony while filming the new show Future Food Stars.

Charlie Willis, 35, and his new wife Laura, 29, received a letter of apology from Gordons television production company Studio Ramsay, offering to pay the 1,300 people their ceremony and meal for six on the private beach cost them as a gesture of goodwill.

A producer from the company wrote: I am mortified that we affected your special day.

The private Lusty Glaze said The wedding party in question had not reserved the entire Lusty Glaze beach, they had opted for an entry-level package so they had not taken the necessary measures to ensure exclusive use of the beach.

In very unusual circumstances, a production crew was also filming at Lusty Glaze, but the production company reimbursed the cost of renting the room to the couple as a gesture of goodwill.

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