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Meet the fiery feminist who melted our hearts during Paris Fashion Week


One of the most promising moments of Paris Fashion Week occurred during the Xuly.Bt fashion show on March 2, when the Malian singer and model Inna Modja appeared on the runway of designer Lamine Badian Kouyats, carrying her three-month-old daughter Valentina against her chest.

Modja was no stranger to the show, although her journey through the fashion world was winding. Born in Mali, she started writing poetry at the age of 14 and soon after, she combined her words with music. As a self-proclaimed defender of Africa, Modja sings of the beauty of the continents and its problems, creating modern music that expresses that (Africa) can also be avant-garde.

The new mother doesn't play safe when it comes to her own personal style: she mixes up unexpected elements and tries to stand out. As an African woman, feminist and musician, I like to take up space. I like not to apologize, she says.

His latest project is a sustainable fashion cooperative, which will soon open its doors in Bamako, Mali. Called Jiriso (which means House of Plants), its goal is to create handcrafted products while providing education and employment for young people. Modja also recently finished filming The Great Green Wall, a documentary (directed by Fernando Meirelles from City of God and The constant gardener fame), in which she travels across Africa, following a line of newly planted trees, meeting different communities and recording music along the way. This is yet another case of Modja creatively combining two things passionate about music and sustainability for the greater good.

Here Modja talks to Vogue to become a mother, the roots of her activism and her style.

How did you come to open the Lamines Paris fashion show?
I know Lamine from Mali; hes really a dear friend. It means to me that he's back. I am no longer a model, but I said, Lamine, it would be an honor to participate in your show. He was so happy and he said, "I have fun with you and bring Valentina with you. For him (this show), it was like being reborn in Paris and he said that Valentina is a baby and that it means the same thing. Lamines clothes are so vibrant and full of life. In French, (the word is) manages; this is how you take things that are cheap and do something that looks really cool. And Lamine is the master of rethinking clothes, (using) vintage clothes. In Mali, vintage is really part of the culture. This is the thing I like about Lamine, it was sustainable before sustainability was even a thing.

Inna Modja and ValentinaPhoto: courtesy of Xuly.Bt

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