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Ashley Roberts, 38, of the Pussycat Dolls reveals that she has been told to dress “ more conservatively '' & # 39;


They rose to fame as a group of noughtie girls The Pussycat Dolls and started a reunion tour earlier this year.

And Ashley Roberts, 38, revealed that she was told to dress more conservatively for “ someone of her age '' & # 39; amid the 119 complaints of Ofcom about their performance The One Show.

In an interview with Charm, the group – Ashley, Nicole Scherzinger, Kimberly Wyatt, Jessica Sutta and Carmit Bachar – discussed how their characters have changed since their pop debut in 2003, their racy outfits and what they would say to their young people.

Strike: Ashley Roberts, 38, revealed that she was told to dress more conservatively for `` someone of her age '' & # 39; amid 119 Ofcom complaints of their performance The One Show

Strike: Ashley Roberts, 38, revealed that she was told to dress more conservatively for “ someone of her age '' & # 39; amid 119 Ofcom complaints of their performance The One Show

Ashley said: “ Someone said to me that at my age I should dress more conservatively and not as sexy.

"It made me think, 'Do I feel that? As it should be the opposite, we should be able to choose when we want to be sexy.

“ As women, we need to build a space where, no matter how eccentric, your curves or whatever you have, you can come to us and feel accepted. & amp; # 39;

In an interview, the group - Jessica Sutta, Kimberly Wyatt, Ashley, Nicole Scherzinger and Carmit Bachar - discussed how their numbers have changed since they started in 2003

In an interview, the group – Jessica Sutta, Kimberly Wyatt, Ashley, Nicole Scherzinger and Carmit Bachar – discussed how their numbers have changed since they started in 2003

Kimberly, 38, said that having three children "changed my body."

The blonde beauty is married to Max Rogers and has a baby, Ford Senna, Willow, four, and Maple, two.

The dancer said that she had learned, amid her insecurities, to "celebrate her body" and that the return with the girls on stage had helped her.

Carmit, 45, added that "her body will never be what it used to be." The American beauty has an eight-year-old daughter and said her cesarean had an impact on her ability to dance due to her feeling of “ disconnection ''.

Throwback: The girls became famous thanks to the group of noughties girls The Pussycat Dolls (photo 2003)

Throwback: The girls became famous thanks to the group of noughties girls The Pussycat Dolls (photo 2003)

Candid: Kimberly, 38, said that having three children `` changed my body '' & amp; # 39;

Candid: Kimberly, 38, said that having three children “ changed my body '' & amp; # 39;

Family: The blonde beauty is married to Max Rogers and has a baby Ford Senna, Willow, four, and Maple, two (photo last July)

Family: The blonde beauty is married to Max Rogers and has a baby Ford Senna, Willow, four, and Maple, two (photo last July)

The dancer added that being back in the costumes "definitely challenges you" and she can't help "judging you".

However, Carmit added that it was not a question of going back to their younger silhouettes, but of being "gentle and compassionate and loving all curves".

Nicole, 41, told the publication that she had stopped "making fun of herself" and that she now accepts it.

It comes after The One Show received 119 complaints from unimpressed viewers about the recent scorching performance of the Pussycat Dolls.

The group of Reformed girls dressed in racy outfits for the program, which aired on February 26, where they presented their latest single React.

Sizzling: Nicole, 41, said she had stopped `` picking nit & amp; # 39; and that she accepted now (photo earlier this week)

Sizzling: Nicole, 41, said she had stopped “ picking nit & amp; # 39; and that she accepted now (photo earlier this week)

The broadcaster said: “ We have worked with the group to ensure their performances were appropriate.The Pussycat Dolls are well known for their dance routines and outfits and we announced at the start of the show that they will appear. Their performance then arrived towards the end of the program, just before 8 p.m.

“As with all artists, we worked with the group to ensure that their performances were adapted to the program. We thought it was appropriate for the time slot and would not fall outside the expectations of most viewers. However, we appreciate that some viewers did not agree.

“We think this film has highlighted an important problem. We noted that some viewers believed that these two elements should not have been included in the same program. "

The group is embarking on a tour of the United Kingdom this year, after announcing its reformation in late 2019.

But things have been shaky so far – with their performance back on The X Factor racking up over 400 complaints to Ofcom.

Racy: It comes after The One Show received 119 complaints from unimpressed viewers about the recent scorching performance of the Pussycat Dolls

Racy: It comes after The One Show received 119 complaints from unimpressed viewers about the recent scorching performance of the Pussycat Dolls

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