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Binge Drinking Awareness Program Introduced to Austin, Texas

Binge Drinking Awareness Program Introduced to Austin, Texas


The new program was created to educate Austinites about preventing binge drinking and provide resources to participating bars.

AUSTIN, Texas Going out to bars and restaurants can carry a risk: excessive alcohol consumption.

On Monday, the city of Austin launched a new pilot program called Sip safelycreated to educate people about preventing excessive alcohol consumption.

“The aim of this Sip Safety campaign is to raise awareness among bar staff, customers and the public about what drink spiking is, how to reduce the threat, support victims and keep them safe if it happens, and to report the incidents,” Brian Block said. , nightlife and entertainment manager of the city's Department of Development Services.

Mayor Kirk Watson and the Austin City Council allocated approximately $100,000 to create this initiative. The funding will allow the city to purchase and distribute test strips to participating bars to check whether drinks have been spiked with drugs. The city will also work with the Sobering Center to educate Entertainment District employees and patrons about excessive alcohol consumption and extend sexual assault prevention and bystander training through the Safe Alliance to bar operators and staff.

Flyers will also be posted in bars across the city.

Some bars joining the program include Barbarella, Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden, Emo's, Jackalope and more than four dozen others.

Although the program is just getting started, Austin leaders are looking for ways to create longevity.

“Moving forward, we want to continue these collaborative efforts and ensure that the nightlife and entertainment city of Austin is supported and recognized as safe and welcoming for all residents, communities and visitors,” Block said.

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How can you protect your drink?

THE Sip Safely Webpage says some of the main ways to protect a drink on a night out are to monitor it while it's being prepared, keep it with you at all times, and use a cover when available.

Additionally, avoid accepting drinks from strangers and be considerate of those around you.

A person who consumes a fortified drink will experience symptoms within 10 to 30 minutes. These symptoms may include an inability to communicate, hallucinations or paranoia, confusion, loss of consciousness, nausea or vomiting, and poor coordination or vision.

Learn more on the program and consult the list of participating bars.

RELATED: APD searching for woman accused of drugging men in downtown Austin since 2022

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