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There are people writing papers in tents: UK reaches US campus protests scale | Israel-Gaza War

There are people writing papers in tents: UK reaches US campus protests scale |  Israel-Gaza War


Students across the UK have said they hope pro-Palestinian protests will escalate to the same scale seen on US campuses, demanding that universities stop doing business with companies that supply weapons to Israel.

Protests spread across university campuses in Sheffield, Bristol and Leeds after the US crackdown led to mass arrests of students and staff.

More than 2,000 people have been arrested on U.S. college campuses, drawing the attention of international media and people in the besieged Gaza Strip. Among them is Bisan Owda, a Palestinian journalist and content creator based in the Gaza Strip. He encouraged student protesters to do more for this cause. An unprecedented moment in a video posted on Instagram.

Samira Ali, 24, was one of around 100 students who stormed the first and second floors of Goldsmiths Library, University of London, this week. Ali, a third-year sociology student and co-organizer of Goldsmiths for Palestine, said 30 students had occupied the building and demanded that the university stop its financial complicity and condemn the war in Gaza.

As students advocating for Palestine, I think what we are doing is right. He said it was especially unacceptable for a university like ours, especially one like Goldsmiths, which relies on its international reputation as a progressive university to remain silent about what is happening. Genocide and terror are being committed in Palestine, she said, and investments are also involved.

Students at Goldsmiths in London occupied the university library. Photo: James Veysey/Rex/Shutterstock

The scale of protests on UK university campuses has been relatively small compared to those in the US, but students remain firm and say they expect more planned action.

I think what we are witnessing now is almost a revolt by international students. We clearly know what is happening in America. There is a wave of encampments popping up around the UK and this will hopefully grow. I think they have enormous potential to grow, Ali added.

A Goldsmith spokesman said by Sunday it was speaking to students who no longer had jobs and was committed to providing meaningful support for those affected by the war, including pledging 120,000 a year in humanitarian scholarships for Palestinian students. I said there is.

Hala Hanina, a Palestinian who took part in the Newcastle University protest, said more than 400 people she knew had been killed in Gaza. “I have no friends now,” said Hanina, 31, who came to the UK before October. They were all killed or lost their families. I am doing this for all of Gaza, who are facing unprecedented and unimaginable genocide.

I must do whatever I can, even if it is impossible. Making this possible is vitally important to the student community and the UK community fighting for justice.

There has been a renewed focus on university investments since October, with protesters demanding that universities divest stock, assets or other investments in companies linked to Israel and the war in Gaza.

Student protesters at the University of Warwick said they were willing to combine exams and protests to ensure their demands were met.

Fraser Amos, PhD student in Global Sustainable Development, said: “Many of the main students who spend the night at the camp are in their final year of university. There are exams and people writing papers in the tent.

It was really difficult and everyone tried to help as much as possible. But the fact that they are making such sacrifices shows how important this is.

But protests on UK campuses have been criticized for creating a hostile and toxic atmosphere for Jewish students, according to the Union of Jewish Students. Gavriel Solomons, vice-chair of the Young National Jewish Assembly and a politics undergraduate at the University of Hertfordshire, said: The last thing we need is to import even more aggressive forms of organized anti-Semitism from the United States.

Eliana, who is president of Newcastle University's Jewish Society, said Jewish students feel very isolated by comparison. [with] The numbers showing up at these rallies and some say they would have avoided campus and completed the semester at home if it weren't for in-person testing. Because the campus feels safer.

Universities have a responsibility to protect freedom of expression, but their procedures for protecting minorities from hate speech leave much to be desired. Often little is done to stop hatred or radicalization from spreading, Eliana said.

A Newcastle University spokesperson added: “We meet regularly with Jewish and Muslim student union representatives. We have been clear that protests must take place within the confines of the law. Cause suffering, cause pain.

The university says it has no investments in companies that make weapons, and all proposals for defense and security cooperation are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

The University of Warwick has been contacted for comment.




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