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NHL-style power rankings: William Nylander and Jack Eichel impress, but who ranks No. 1?

NHL-style power rankings: William Nylander and Jack Eichel impress, but who ranks No. 1?


If it wasn't already official, Nikita Zadorov is at the forefront of the NHL's most stylish players and personalities. His suits, ties and turtlenecks with loafers, without sneakers, helped cement his place.

But during a recent appearance on Hockey Night in Canada: After Hours, show, Zadorov I took one more step.

I don't think it's one of the best; I think it's the best in the league, Zadorov said of his fashion sense.

In our latest edition of the NHL Style Power Rankings, Zadorov had to take on some fashion heavyweights, including William Nylander and Jack Eichel.

Toronto Maple Leafs

Powers: Nylander is higher on our list and has had better fits, but he always seems to find a way to crack our rankings regardless. We obviously appreciate her style choices here.

McKenzie: This outfit is much darker and more subdued, compared to some of her lighter, more fun outfits that we've featured in our ranking. But that doesn't make this fit any less impressive, especially with the soft Nike Dunks on your feet.


Toronto Maple Leafs

Toronto Maple Leafs

Carolina Hurricanes

McKenzie: You combine the color of Kotkaniemi's darker suit and tie with his smile, and it becomes easy to include him on our list. I wish we could see what's on his left wrist, but at least the brown leather strap matches what he's wearing.

Powers: It's funny, I had the same thought about his smile and his costume. It's almost like you can't have any other expression if you're wearing this. I don't think I could pull it off, but it suits him just fine.


Carolina Hurricanes

Carolina Hurricanes

Chris Wahl / Calgary Flames

McKenzie: Gilbert has been knocking on the door of our rankings all season with his outfits, and he has the chance to rub shoulders with elite company in our latest edition. And yes, his look gives it an air of “Peaky Blinders”.

Powers: Julian knew I would choose this one. I'm a big fan of flat caps and own my fair share of them from Ireland. It's a sharp look for Gilbert, with the three-piece suit.


Chris Wahl / Calgary Flames

Chris Wahl / Calgary Flames

Arizona Coyotes

McKenzie: Here is a dark blue suit with square patterns that are not too exaggerated. The light blue tie is an almost perfect choice with the white shirt. The look is completed with Nike dunks with a light blue swoosh. Cooley exploited a particular color palette and made a strong impression.

Powers: It can be difficult to pair sneakers, especially non-white ones, with suits. I feel like Cooley did well. Just a pretty mix of blue from head to toe.

Arizona Coyotes

Josh Lavallée/NHLI via Getty Images

Powers: This is Burns' favorite look, and he has variations of it. It’s one of my favorites though. This color is pretty and bold. I like that he didn't try to go for similar colored pants. That would have been a bit too much.

McKenzie: We've already shown Burns with the big hat, but the highlight for me this week is the bow tie. This would be a much stronger outfit with a black or lighter blue bow tie, but I admire the effort here.


Josh Lavallée/NHLI via Getty Images

Josh Lavallée/NHLI via Getty Images

Josh Lavallée / Carolina Hurricanes

Powers: Andersen had a few different looks that we considered. He brought it this week. I really like how the tie and vest almost became the center of attention in this colorblocked look.

McKenzie: I'm a big fan of the dark purple suit and pink tie (with the accompanying tie bar). Andersen exudes a lot of confidence with this outfit. We'll also give the Hurricanes a helping hand for capturing that light at just the right time. These are the photos you post on your own personal Instagram feeds to get likes.


Josh Lavallée / Carolina Hurricanes

Josh Lavallée / Carolina Hurricanes

Ottawa Senators

Powers: I could definitely see this photo in a catalog selling something to someone. But I think I liked him a little more than Julian. I love this suit color, and it makes sense to pair it with black and white. The headphones are also a nice touch.

McKenzie: The outfit is pretty good. The pose is incredible. Whether intentional or not, Joseph looks like a man on the move in a gray ensemble with white headphones that don't clash.

Ottawa Senators

Florida Panthers

McKenzie: Lomberg won creative points with Scott and with me by having his son in the photo. I think a different colored tie for them would have made this #1 of the week, especially with the dark blue patterned suit.

Powers: Don't blame me: I had Lomberg and his #1 son this week, and Julian must have been too technical on the tie. Haha. But it's just a lot of fun. Props to Lomberg and his tailor.

Florida Panthers

Jeff Bottari/NHLI via Getty Images

Powers: I love the blue and white in this look. It probably also helps that he's walking on a white background. The dark blue tie gives it a bit of a different tone, but it's not enough to detract from the rest of the suit.

McKenzie: Eichel always looks like he's having the time of his life in Vegas. His outfits reflect this. I love the blue suit with white stripes. Even though I'm not always a fan of white shoes, I love white Air Force 1s.


Jeff Bottari/NHLI via Getty Images

Jeff Bottari/NHLI via Getty Images

Vancouver Canucks

McKenzie: I can't wait for Nikita Zadorov mention this first ranking in “Hockey Night in Canada”. The double-breasted dark striped suit with matching tie and shoes was a winner for us.

Powers: There aren't many players better dressed than Zadorov in the league. The tailoring is always perfect and the color combinations are always vibrant. For me, his tie, loafers, and glasses all put this look over the top.

Vancouver Canucks

(Top photo by William Nylander: Michael Mooney/NHLI via Getty Images)




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