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Building Confidence and Sharing Joy Over 100 Local Teens Buy Free Prom Dresses | News

Building Confidence and Sharing Joy Over 100 Local Teens Buy Free Prom Dresses |  News


PADUCAH Paducah's Immanuel Baptist Church was a flurry of tulle, rhinestones and sequins Saturday afternoon, as more than 100 shopping area juniors and seniors shopped for their perfect prom dresses and accessories, all at no cost to them.

The annual event, hosted by the Cinderella's Closet organization, was the culmination of approximately 8 months of planning and the help of nearly 100 volunteers.

Cinderella's closet

Cinderella's Closet participants try on dresses Saturday at Immanuel Baptist Church.

According to Susan Kirkham, director of Cinderella's Closet of thePurchase Area, the nonprofit organization was the product of a woman's chance meeting.

“A lady named Erin who lives in Northern Kentucky was at a consignment store and she overheard a young woman talking to her adoptive mother about buying a dress. The adoptive mother apparently told her that they wouldn't “They just didn't have any money. So Erin just thought, 'You know, I can buy her this dress,'” Kirkham explained. “So the girl went to try it on. When she came out, she told Erin, 'I feel like Cinderella.' And every time I tell this story, I get goosebumps.”


Immanuel Baptist Church in Paducah was a flurry of tulle, rhinestones and sequins Saturday afternoon.

From Cinderella's closet websitethe organization originated in 2006 as a ministry of Immanuel United Methodist Church in Lakeside Park, KY and has now expanded to other churches across the country.

Cinderella's closet

A group of girls wait to try on jewelry Saturday at Immanuel Baptist Church.

Saturday in Paducah, participants looked through more than 800 dresses to find the one that would fit them best. Each girl was assisted by her own personal client, called the “Fairy Godmother”. The Fairy Godmothers, all volunteers, help participants every step of the way, from finding the dress to choosing shoes and jewelry.

A room down the hall and around the corner was full of sewing machines. The women who volunteered to run them were responsible for taking care of minor modifications for all the girls who needed them, all in the same day.


Natalie, pictured here, hems a dress in the alteration room at Immanuel Baptist Church on Saturday.

“There aren’t many people who sew anymore,” explains one of the volunteers. “So here we are.”

Kirkham emphasized that the program was a way to show love and respect to each young woman who participated.

“It's not just about that dress or those jewelry or those shiny shoes. It's about showing them love, grace and respect. Giving them confidence and sharing joy with them throughout the day,” she said.


Cinderella's Closet attendees had more than 800 dresses to choose from Saturday, thanks to community donations.

According to Kirkham, Cinderella's Closet accepts donations of dresses and accessories year-round. Dresses must be new or lightly used and less than five years old. Kirkham said it's harder to get donations of plus-size dresses, so those are usually purchased directly by the organization.

“This year I was really excited because we were able to purchase beautiful dresses thanks to donations from the community,” Kirkham said.

Donations of clothing and accessories are accepted at Immanuel Baptist Church from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays; Shelter insurance in LaCenter from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays; and Curls Salon in Paducah from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday and Wednesday through Saturday.


A sign at the lodge entrance reads: “She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.”

For financial donations, make checks payable to Immanuel Baptist Church with Cinderellas Closet in the memo. Send it to 3465 Buckner Lane in Paducah, KY 42001.

Click here for detailed information on volunteer opportunities and accepted donations.


Necklaces, bracelets and earrings of all shapes and colors were on display Saturday at Immanuel Baptist Church's Cinderella's Closet event.




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