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Heightened security at Del Amo Fashion Center, South Bay Pavilion for 'planned takeovers' this weekend

Heightened security at Del Amo Fashion Center, South Bay Pavilion for 'planned takeovers' this weekend


Officials in Torrance and Carson announced plans to increase security at popular shopping centers in their communities after learning of a “takeover plan.”

The Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance and the South Bay Pavilion in Carson will both have increased law enforcement presence over the weekend due to planned social media events by youth in each community.

“I wanted to make our community aware of the information we have received regarding a planned 'takeover' by 'youth from across the county,'” Torrance Police Chief Jay Hart said in a statement Friday. “We've seen this type of activity take place in community after community. Most recently, the 'takeover' at Pike (in Long Beach) led to outbreaks of violence and a shooting nearby.”

Hart refers to a planned fight between a woman and a young girl last weekend at the Pike Outlets in Long Beach, which attracted a massive gathering of young people after the event was posted on social media.

Related: Police disperse a mass group of teenagers from the Del Amo Fashion Center property, closing the mall ahead of schedule.

After police broke up the fight and the crowd dispersed, they received reports of a shooting. They rushed to the scene and found a 16-year-old boy with a gunshot wound to the leg. No arrests have yet been made, but the teen is said to be on the mend.

A statement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Carson Sheriff's Station echoed Hart's sentiment, saying security teams are prepared and steps have been taken to “provide a safe environment and experience for all.” safe”.

The Del Amo Fashion Center features a “Youth support policy“, which requires all visitors under 18 to be accompanied by a parent or adult 21 and older after 3 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.

“It is time for us to come together to offer these children an alternative to violence and disorder. We need our partners in schools, in our places of worship, in community organizations and at home to support these children and guide them on the path of being a good citizen and a good neighbor,” Hart said. “Investing in our youth means investing in the prosperity of our communities. This is our work together!

Anyone who may know more about the planned events is asked to contact TPD at (310) 328-3456 or LASD at (310) 830-1123.




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