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Bold statements are in style for Aiken's Triple Crown race | Aiken Area News

Bold statements are in style for Aiken's Triple Crown race |  Aiken Area News


With spring upon us and the famous Aikens Triple Crown just around the corner, choosing the right clothes to wear is the key to making the most of the season. From on-trend colors to breathable fabrics, Aiken clothing experts have broken down the style trends of early 2024.

Terri Rourk, co-owner of Curated Clothiers in Aiken, shared her thoughts on some of the styles and trends that will be popular this spring.

We are just starting to receive our spring inventory, some really pretty flowers, [and] lots of wonderful things for the steeplechase, she said. Rourk said that breathable sheets are going to be a staple fabric, and noted that the store was putting together a line of lightweight leather jackets. Accessories she thinks women will be looking for in the coming months include belts with interchangeable buckles and T-shirt dresses.

Van Smith, owner of men's clothing store Lionel Smith Ltd., also spoke about spring fashion for equestrian occasions like the Aiken Spring Steeplechase, saying men will want to grab colorful and patterned pieces who make a statement.

People like to dress to the nines, Smith said. Try to wear at least one colorful shirt and a colorful bow tie.

Strong spring colors, according to the men's fashion specialist, are going to be jewel toned shades like fuchsia, lavender, purple, pink, teal and green.

Smith said the Triple Crown events are a time when many conservatively dressed men will push their limits and wear things they wouldn't normally reach for, plaid pants has colorful socks. Smith said jeans and khakis are appropriate, but should be paired with a brightly colored top.

Katherine Gouge of Pitter Patter and Carolines Boutique, a joint women's and children's clothing store, also gave her thoughts on spring fashion. Gouge said that embellished pieces and bright colors are in fashion, this year with a distinct touch pink Flavor: We're definitely seeing what I call the Barbie effect, for kids and adults, she said. I think it's a fun pop of color.

For the spring equestrian events, Gouge predicts that tiered dresses And fluid parts will be wardrobe essentials.

I think we're also seeing a little more structural return of fabric, stiffer, which we haven't seen in a few years, she said, nodding to the A-line and 1960s Mod Style Dressesas well as shorts and jacket sets. They definitely have a more retro feel, but I think you'll see it a lot in steeplechase racing just because it's a little more practical to wear there. [they] I always feel very spring-like and fashionable.

Tailored Gents owner Jessica Alberto said Jeans is ready for spring, noting its stores' selection of classic fabrics for all genders.

We also have a lot of lightweight, high-performance materials that will be aimed at gentlemen, she said.

For Steeplechase, she said the quintessential spring colors are bright hues like greens and yellows are always in fashion. We also have some straw hats we bring products that are always popular for these types of events, both for men and women, she said.




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