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Bridging academia and industry to promote health innovation

Bridging academia and industry to promote health innovation


Three deans, two trustees, and a Nobel Prize winner from the University of California, Berkeley, along with leading biotech and medical technology companies and some of the largest venture capital firms from across the United States and Asia. What do they have in common? They gathered on February 21 and 22 for Healthcare Conference Taipei 2024, hosted by the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health in partnership with JPMorgan, Stanford University, and Regent Taipei.

The event, hosted by UC Berkeley School of Public Health Dean Michael C. Lu, is part of the iconic JPMorgan Healthcare Conference, which brings health tech innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors to San Francisco each January. It was inspired by. The two-day Taipei conference brought together over 300 of his attendees, including 50 late-stage startups, leading scientists, manufacturers, distributors, and some of the largest VCs from the US and across Asia. I did.

The purpose of the conference was to foster research and development, manufacturing, and co-investment partnerships in biotechnology and life sciences that will help accelerate the time-to-market of life-saving and disease-preventing diagnostics and therapeutics.The content includes Shark Tank-style company presentations and opportunities for healthcare innovation collaboration between the U.S. and Asia, as well as opportunities for collaboration between the University of California, Berkeley, University of California, San Francisco, Stanford University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Michael Bocchan, dean and professor of biological sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, attended the event along with keynote speaker and 2013 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine, UC Berkeley professor Randy Scheckman.

Botchan said the conference is expected to advance connections between industry and UC Berkeley, leading to real-world medical innovations.

Along with other keynote speakers, Dr. Brad Ringeisen, executive director of the Institute for Innovative Genomics, the final conference panel featured four leaders from the University of California, Berkeley, who discussed how the university is a pioneer in industry-academia collaboration. I emphasized that.

In addition to Lu and Ringeisen, panelists included Dr. Douglas Clark, chair of the Department of Chemistry, and Dr. Veronica Miller, director of the Berkeley School of Public Health Collaborative Research Forum.

If you walk 15 feet around Berkeley's campus, you're bound to encounter opportunity. This encapsulates the innovation, intellectual richness and diversity that characterize our campus, Clark said.

During the Q&A, Lu was asked why the dean of the School of Public Health would host a health tech investment conference. We're not going to solve big health problems by working within our own little silos, Lu responded. By leveraging this brainpower and capital across disciplines and continents to accelerate health innovations that save lives, alleviate suffering, prevent disease, improve health and make the world a better place. , we are engaged in public health activities.

The conference was co-hosted by Stephen Pan, director of the University of California, Berkeley and chairman of Regent Hotels and Resorts, said Michael. [Lu] Last summer, he approached me about his vision for hosting the Berkeley HealthTech Conference in Taipei. We can think of no better way to celebrate UC Berkeley's innovation and public mission than by leading the School of Public Health's annual Healthcare Conference Taipei.

This conference established Berkeley Public Health as a leader in innovating medical technology solutions through partnerships between academia and industry.

“By bringing together innovators from academia and industry based in the United States and Asia, we can cross-pollinate ideas and create partnerships,” said Jared A. Mazzanti, director of strategic initiatives at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health. We have created a platform to discover opportunities.” More than 85% of his post-conference survey respondents reported finding new cooperation possibilities, including investment, research and development, manufacturing, distribution, etc. 100% of people wanted to do it again next year. ”

The event was underwritten by Eric Huang, whose generous gift established the Center for Public Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health.




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