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How Zendaya is a shining example of a Hollywood star

How Zendaya is a shining example of a Hollywood star


Zendaya is one of the biggest actors in Hollywood right now, and rightfully so. Her star has risen exponentially since she began her career as a Disney star, and this is due not only to her acting talent, but also to her continued poise and grace, the more she is exposed to the public eye.

The actor has become a dominant force at the box office and attracts moviegoers as well as young stars like Timothe Chalamet, Florence Pugh and his off-screen partner Tom Holland. Why is it? Well, first of all, she's a great actress, as proven by her performances in the Dune franchise and her Emmy-winning turn in Euphoria, but she also knows how to win over audiences.

LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 15: Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya attend the world premiere of LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 15: Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya attend the world premiere of

Timothe Chalamet and Zendaya attend the world premiere of Dune: Part Two on February 15, 2024, where Zendaya wore a very futuristic outfit. (Getty Images)

There are many aspects of Zendaya's presence on and off screen that are magnetic, but it's especially felt when she steps out on a red carpet. The actress always makes waves when she does, thanks to the striking looks she chooses to wear on the red carpet.

Zendaya works as a model, so she definitely knows how to sell a piece of clothing. Hell, she'd probably be able to convince the public that a paper bag can be beautiful, but it's her unique sense of style that makes her so exciting to see on a red carpet. . It's the result of her chance collaboration with fashionista Law Roach, who has also worked with Cline Dion and Anya Taylor-Joy in the past.

Learn more: What We Know About Zendaya's New Movie, Challengers

Together, they've managed to turn heads, from her revealing robotic armor look at the Dune Part Two premiere to her many tennis-themed outfits she's worn to promote Luca Guadagnino's Challengers .

Luca Guadagnino, Josh OÕConnor, Zendaya, Mike Faist attend Photocall Movie Challengers, Rome, Italy.  April 08, 2024. Credit: massimo insabato/Alamy Live NewsLuca Guadagnino, Josh OÕConnor, Zendaya, Mike Faist attend Photocall Movie Challengers, Rome, Italy.  April 08, 2024. Credit: massimo insabato/Alamy Live News

Zendaya has often impressed on the red carpet, including for Challengers she wore countless tennis-themed outfits to help promote. (Alamy Live News)

It's not just movie premieres, Zendaya always dazzles at events like the Met Gala where she wore an incredibly intricate, Joan of Arc-inspired armored look for the theme Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination in 2018. And let's not forget her gorgeous Cinderella-inspired dress that she wore to the fashion event in 2019, which lit up.

Zendaya 04/20/2024 Amazon MGM “Challengers” Press Conference held at the Maybourne Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills, CA photo by Izumi Hasegawa/Hollywood News Wire Inc. Credit: Hollywood News Wire Inc./Alamy Live NewsZendaya 04/20/2024 Amazon MGM “Challengers” Press Conference held at the Maybourne Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills, CA photo by Izumi Hasegawa/Hollywood News Wire Inc. Credit: Hollywood News Wire Inc./Alamy Live News

Zendaya pictured at a press conference for the Challengers. (Alamy Live News)

Given that she began her career with the Disney Channel series Shake It Up in 2010, Zendaya has plenty of experience answering questions and expertly making sure that whatever is asked of her, she is able to do bring him back to what matters: his career.

Zendaya handles the questions thrown at her well, especially regarding her relationship with Holland. The couple chooses to keep their private life just that, private, but every time she's asked, Zendaya aptly finds a way to answer it in a way that helps keep it that way, but also makes people understand readers and fans why it is important to do so. .

In a 2023 interview with ElleFor example, Zendaya addressed the topic of her relationship thoughtfully, saying, “I can't not be a person and live my life and love the person I love. But also, I have control over that that I choose to do.” share.

“It's about protecting the peace and letting things take over, but also not being afraid to exist. You can't hide. It's not fun either. I sailing more than ever now.”

Watch: The Challengers trailer

The actor is also not afraid to speak out against things she considers unreasonable. One of the questions Zendaya often gets asked is how she feels about kissing her co-stars. She was repeatedly asked to do this with Chalamet in Dune Part Two and continued to ask her the same question for Challengers where she, Josh O. “Connor and Mike Faist share a three-way kiss.

In a interview with Jake HamiltonZendaya called the experience of being repeatedly asked about kissing scenes “very strange,” adding, “I don't know if it's because they want it to be a viral thing, I don't know not. But I noticed this, with me in particular.

“I feel like the other actors don't know that. If you were with anyone else here, you probably wouldn't be asked that question. But yeah, it's part of my job, and it's is a completely normal part of the job, I think, despite other people's perceptions of our work.”

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – APRIL 16: Zendaya attends the Amazon MGM Studios premiere in Los Angeles LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – APRIL 16: Zendaya attends the Amazon MGM Studios premiere in Los Angeles

Since her debut on Disney Channel's Shake It Up, Zendaya has shown how hard she works for every role she takes on. (FilmMagic)

Another thing that's impressive about Zendaya, and has been for a while, is her determination to take on a role and give the best performance possible. This can be seen with her latest film Challengers, where she plays Tashi, a tennis pro turned coach.

Zendaya learned to play tennis specifically for this role, joking with British Vogue that she hadn't been familiar with the sport before, that the first time was about learning the basics, trying to understand it, trying to hit the damn thing. She achieved this through a lot of practice and hard work, but also by treating the sport like a dance and memorizing her athletic double. as if it were a dance choreography.

She also took time to watch tennis matches, attending events with the Netherlands where she studied the players in front of her to help inform her own performance in the Challengers. Although she readily admitted that her interest in the sport rested firmly with Venus and Serena Williams.

UNITED STATES.  Zendaya in a scene from (C)United Artists New film released: Challengers (2023).  Synopsis: Follows three players who met as teenagers as they compete in a tennis tournament to become the world-famous Grand Slam winner and reignite old rivalries on and off the court.  Ref: LMK110-J10030-270623 Provided by LMKMEDIA.  Editorial only.  Landmark Media does not own the copyright of these movie or TV series stills, but provides service to recognized media outlets only.  photos@lmkmedia.comUNITED STATES.  Zendaya in a scene from (C)United Artists New film released: Challengers (2023).  Synopsis: Follows three players who met as teenagers as they compete in a tennis tournament to become the world-famous Grand Slam winner and reignite old rivalries on and off the court.  Ref: LMK110-J10030-270623 Provided by LMKMEDIA.  Editorial only.  Landmark Media does not own the copyright of these movie or TV series stills, but provides service to recognized media outlets only.

Zendaya pictured in Challengers, she learned to play tennis for this role and saw learning tennis moves as a dance. (MGM)

The actress always gives her all when taking on a role, but she also works hard to know what it feels like behind the camera. She did it on Challengers with Guadagnino, for which she has a producer credit, and for Dune with Denis Villeneuve.

Villeneuve said he wouldn't be surprised if Zendaya one day takes on the challenge of directing her own film, saying she's “always on set, even when she's not filming.” [cinematographer] Greg [Fraser] and I listen and I listen and I listen.”

Talk to CNN about doing the same for Challengers, Zendaya said: “The more time I spend in front of the camera, the more I enjoy being behind it. Being around Luca, it helped me gain confidence. It was a beautiful place to learn and really feel like I have a voice and a seat at the table.

Zendaya has certainly made Hollywood go crazy, but she's also becoming a shining example of what a star can be, which means it would be exciting to see what she creates if she chooses to step behind the camera .

Challengers hits theaters on Friday, April 26.




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