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Shakira's fun little black dress is covered in silver studs

Shakira's fun little black dress is covered in silver studs


Shakira is on top of her new album, Women don't cry anymorewhich has already become the most streamed album of the year so far.

Monday evening, she passed The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to discuss the project and his life these days. As for work, she told Fallon, I didn't have time because of the husband factor. Now I am without a husband. The husband was pulling me down. I'm free now. Now I can actually work.

For the occasion, Shakira looked cool in a black mini dress from Balmains' spring/summer 2009 ready-to-wear collection. The mini was strapless, with a pronounced sweetheart neckline and an irregular hem. The room was covered in silver nails of various sizes, the smallest ones arranged in the shape of crosses, skulls, and other swirling shapes.

The Colombian singer paired the LBD statement with black leather stiletto ankle boots, silver rings and shimmering pink eyeshadow. Her blonde hair was styled in her signature messy waves.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Episode 1947 Singer Shakira Arrives Monday March 25, 2024 Photo by Todd owyoungnbc via Getty Images

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While sitting with Fallon, she explained the title of her new album, which translates into English as Women don't cry anymore. For too long we were sent crying with a script in our hands and no end, simply because we were women. We must hide our pain in front of our children, in front of society. We have to heal in some way, she said. And I don't think anyone is supposed to tell us how to heal. No one's supposed to tell a wolf how to heal her wounds, you know? I think women now decide when to cry, how to cry and for how long. No one is supposed to tell us how to deal with life's difficulties.

She then donned a sheer white mesh top and white cargo pants to perform one of her hits on stage. (For a preview of the lyrics from Shakira's new album, see here.)

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Episode 1947 Musical Guest Pictured Shakira Performs Monday March 25, 2024 Photo by Todd owyoungnbc via Getty Images

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Rosa Sanchez is the news editor at Harper's Bazaar, where she works on entertainment, fashion and culture news. Previously, she was managing editor at ABC News and, before that, managing editor of celebrity news at American Media. She has also written articles for Rolling Stone, Teen Vogue, Forbes and The Hollywood Reporter, among others.




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