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Candice Warner in a fresh broadcast about Cricket Australia's treatment of husband David

Candice Warner in a fresh broadcast about Cricket Australia's treatment of husband David


Candice Warner – the wife of the retired Test cricket star David – has made some surprising claims about her husband's treatment on a reality TV show I'm a celebrity Get me out of here! Candice Warner is one of the celebrities to appear on the Network 10 show and she dropped a number of bombshell claims against Cricket Australia (CA) and her husband's former teammates in Tuesday night's episode.

Candice has always faithfully defended her husband despite criticism, especially his role in the infamous 2018 ball tampering scandal in South Africa. The former Test opener was banned for 12 months for his part in the scandal and was given a lifelong leadership ban from CA that he ultimately decided not to appeal after accusing the independent panel that ruled on it of unfairly trying to dredge up the scandal.

Pictured from left to right: David and Candice Warner.Pictured from left to right: David and Candice Warner.

Candice Warner has made some stunning new claims about Cricket Australia's treatment of her husband David. Photo: Getty

Warner's wife has suggested in the past that more details about the ball-tampering controversy will eventually come to light, and on Tuesday night's episode of the Channel 10 show, she made a number of other eye-opening claims. He always had people who had the wrong impression of him, Candice said. But when you really get to know him, he is the kindest and most generous person. I think he would have been better off if he had played in a different era.

Candice slams Cricket Australia over its treatment of David Warner

Paralympian Ellie Cole asked if that meant in an era when there wasn't as much media attention, but Candice said that wasn't the main part of the problem. Well, in an age where people aren't so selfish,” she replied. “You know, where it's more about other players protecting the players.

Former Big Brother contestant and influencer Skye Wheatley intervened by asking: Oh my god, are you saying that's how he got burned… by his teammates? The question led to perhaps Candice's biggest bombshell, which left her husband's former teammates and the CA administration itself in the lurch.

Seen here, Candice and David Warner.Seen here, Candice and David Warner.

Candice Warner says Cricket Australia's relationship with her husband David was never the same after the ball-tampering scandal. Photo: Getty

Sometimes 100 percent. But it's not just them (the players), it's the administration, Candice said. Look, the current coaching staff… was brilliant. Just like them, a very different style of coaching and all that. But throughout his career, the government absolutely did not want him there. Because he is different, he generally does not fit into the image of a cricketer.

AFL great Peter Daicos branded Candice's claim “foolish” and argued that it was Warner's combative nature that made him such a great cricketer. The opener often relished adversity and said on several occasions that he thrived when his back was against the wall and had a point to prove to critics.

That's stupid, that's what made him the player he is. Your personality is you,” Daicos said in response to Candice’s claims about CA. But the former Iron Woman argued that cricket administrators turned their backs on her husband when his brand 'didn't fit their brand'.

Candice then made a stunning final claim on the show that she and David had been 'burnt' by countless people over the course of his cricket career. There have been plenty of people who have burned myself and David along the way and it happens to so many people, and it wouldn't be right for me to name them individually, but those people know who they are,” she said.

Candice Warner has criticized Cricket Australia in the past

Candice has slammed CA in the past after claiming she and David received little to no support from the organization during the controversial 2018 tour of South Africa. In addition to the ball tampering scandal, Candice claims she wants to hear from CA was told to “shut up” after being targeted by fans for her infamous behavior. toilet rendezvous with former All Blacks legend, Sonny Bill Williams.

Candice was taunted by fans wearing masks of Sonny Bill's face, referring to the 2007 incident at the Clovelly Hotel when she was filmed in a toilet cubicle with the rugby legend – years before she met David. Fans wore the Williams masks in an attempt to taunt the Warner family, with South African officials also caught posing for photos with the same fans.


Someone within Cricket Australia even told me at the time that it was in the best interest of the team to keep your mouth shut,” she revealed on the Matty Johns podcast last year. That excited me, and David… We have so much respect for the team, but we were also human. There was no help at all. It's sad because I've learned to just accept it.

These images show David and Candice Warner, as well as Sonny Bill Williams.These images show David and Candice Warner, as well as Sonny Bill Williams.

Candice Warner claims she was told to keep her mouth shut amid the commotion surrounding Sonny Bill Williams. Image: Getty

Candice claimed her husband's relationship with CA was never the same after he was accused of being the 'mastermind' behind the ball-tampering plot. There was no support. In fact, from the moment we left the hotel in South Africa, David was swept away, she said.

There was no Cricket Australia official to help him. There was nothing. It's like take care of yourself now, see you later. Thank you for your services. We are probably going to do our best to ensure that you never come back to play cricket for our country. We were going to blame you for everything, and that's what they did.




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