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US, China to hold first AI talks, TikTok standoff continues

US, China to hold first AI talks, TikTok standoff continues


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken salutes as he prepares to depart Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport for Beijing, April 25, 2024.

Mark Schiefelbein | Afp | Getty Images

The United States and China will hold their first high-level discussions on artificial intelligence in the “coming weeks”, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday, without giving any news on the future of the Chinese giant. social media TikTok.

During wide-ranging discussions with Chinese officials in Beijing, Blinken said the two sides agreed to the first U.S.-China intergovernmental dialogue on AI to discuss risks and security concerns related to the emerging technology.

“Earlier today, we agreed to hold the first U.S.-PRC discussions on artificial intelligence in the coming weeks, to share our respective perspectives on AI risks and concerns. security issues related to advanced AI and how best to manage them,” Blinken said at a news conference. .

The United States has imposed restrictions on Beijing's ability to access high-end technology and is moving closer to banning social media app TikTok unless its Chinese parent company ByteDance sells it.

Blinken at the press conference said TikTok “did not come up” during the discussions.

China's Foreign Ministry confirmed that AI negotiations would take place in a statement, which detailed a broader five-point agreement between Washington and Beijing.

The consensus also included additional efforts to “stabilize and develop” U.S.-China relations, expand cultural exchanges and continue consultations on “sensitive international and regional issues,” the Foreign Ministry said, according to a Google translation.

Sino-Russian trade raises 'serious concerns'

Blinken said China had played a constructive role in helping resolve global crises, including discouraging Iran and its proxies from further escalating the Middle East conflict, as well as reducing Russia's onslaught against Ukraine.

“China has demonstrated in the past, with respect to Russia and Ukraine, that it can take positive steps,” he said, referring to a message delivered by Chinese President Xi Jinping in March 2023 in which he warned Russia against the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. .

Blinken added, however, that he reiterated Washington's “serious concerns” about China's alleged role in supporting Moscow's military capabilities, including through products that support its defense industrial base. Beijing has denied helping Russia militarily, stressing that its trade with Moscow constitutes “normal economic cooperation”.

Blinken said no further action had been taken against Beijing, as Washington considered sanctions to cut off some Chinese banks that would allow such trading.

“Russia would find it difficult to continue its assault on Ukraine without China’s help,” he said. “I have been extremely clear about our concerns. We will have to see what actions come from this.”

International markets “flooded”

The US secretary's visit to China comes as Washington and Beijing seek to improve their strained bilateral relations, despite ongoing trade tensions and national security concerns.

The United States and its Western allies have accused Chinese companies of oversupplying international markets with low-cost goods, particularly green technologies such as electric vehicles, which they say is jeopardizing domestic production.

Beijing, for its part, denies these claims, with Xi saying in a statement Friday that China's economic development should be viewed “in a positive light” and Foreign Minister Wang Yi describing China's manufacturing output as in line with its “legitimate rights to development”. “

Blinken doubled down on his assertions on Friday, saying the United States would take tough action if necessary to stem trade flows. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned earlier this month that Washington would consider sanctions against Chinese companies that flout fair trade practices, a position that has been largely echoed by Brussels.

“China alone produces more than 100% of the world’s demand” for green products, Blinken said. “This is flooding the markets… President [Joe] Biden will not let this happen on his watch. »

Correction: This article has been updated to reflect the correct spelling of Secretary of State Antony Blinken's name.




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