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The fashion department of the Côte d'Orange will host a green fashion show

The fashion department of the Côte d'Orange will host a green fashion show


Orange Coast College's fashion department aims to make sustainability the hottest trend on the runways this year. The Costa Mesa-based community college fashion program will host the second annual Green Coast Day fashion show and market on Wednesday, April 17.

“We are excited to highlight our sustainability program and invite students and the community to join us in celebrating fashion innovation,” said Lauren Becker, fashion program director.

This year's theme will be Retro Surf and Skate Revival. Taking place in the Main Quad on campus from noon to 4 p.m., the event will focus on sustainability. The fashion show will begin at 2:30 p.m. and will feature looks designed to highlight Orange County's rich surf and skate culture while drawing attention to eco-friendly fashion practices. Customers can expect retro prints, vibrant colors and eco-friendly materials and techniques.

The sustainable fashion show highlights a current issue on the occasion of Earth Day (Monday April 22). While brands like Shein and Fashion Nova have gained popularity through social media, in recent years, shoppers have become more aware of the effects of fast fashion on the environment. Companies that replicate runway trends using poor quality materials and cheap labor in order to produce them quickly and cheaply have been criticized for a multitude of reasons. Underpaid labor, contributions to landfills and allegations of model theft by companies are just some of the reasons why shoppers see fast fashion going out of style.

The OCC fashion program is one of the most acclaimed in California, providing students with hands-on learning and innovative teaching approaches. In addition to courses in fashion merchandising and applied color and design theory, Orange Coast College's fashion department also includes courses such as Apparel Industry Sustainability: The Environment, Practices ethical business and law and sustainability and responsibility in fashion design, manufacturing and branding. These courses examine the environmental and social impacts of the clothing manufacturing industry on the world today while exploring solutions to counter them.

In addition to eco-friendly runway looks, the event will also feature a classic car show and market with local businesses offering sustainable, pre-owned, vintage and upcycled clothing and products. American Sewing Guild and Fashion Department scholarship winners will be announced at the event, and rising middle and high school stars will be honored.




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