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Doja Cat dares to reveal herself in lingerie at the Daily Front Row Fashion Awards

Doja Cat dares to reveal herself in lingerie at the Daily Front Row Fashion Awards


One thing Doja Cat never fails at: successfully completing a fashion mission.

If you watched her Coachella performance (and the six outfit changes during it) and thought “how does she do it?” well, we don't have the answer to this question, but what we do know is that she always keeps us in suspense with a cool look.

Case in point: her entrance to the Daily Front Row Fashion Los Angeles Awards in Beverly Hills, California on April 28.

The “Paint the Town Red” rapper, 28, wore a GCDS bra and panty set with tights and heels and topped it all off with a luxurious Markgong reclaimed fur coat. But since it's Doja Cat, the look didn't stop there. She also wore thick-rimmed glasses, a Markgong suitcase overflowing with clothes and an apparently full glass of red wine.

Doja Cat at the Daily Front Row Fashion Los Angeles Awards.

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Listen, Doja Cat is making a statement.

She walked the carpet with her stylist, Brett Alan Nelson, who was named Music Stylist of the Year. He carried his own drink and suitcase next to her as they shared laughs.

Doja Cat and Brett Alan Nelson at the Daily Front Row Fashion Los Angeles Awards.

Jon Kopaloff/Getty

The ensemble made us do a double-take, as did the nipple-baring corset dress she wore to the 2024 Grammys and the spiderweb bodycon she draped herself in for the 2023 MTV VMAs.

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Doja Cat at the Daily Front Row Fashion Los Angeles Awards.

Emma McIntyre/Getty

After her memorable entrance, Doja Cat took the stage to present an award to Nelson, who is Daily Front Row's Music Stylist of the Year.

Doja Cat at the Schiaparelli show during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week on January 23, 2023.

Getty Images

Nelson is the designer behind the Grammy winner's viral looks. In January 2023, he helped conceptualize the groundbreaking Schiaparelli ensemble seen on Doja Cat at Paris Couture Fashion Week. He enlisted designer Daniel Roseberry and makeup artist Pat McGrath, who dressed the star in head-to-toe red and more than 30,000 hand-placed Swarovski crystals. Nelson said it was a “great moment” and that was indeed the case.

After the awards ceremony, Nelson took to his Instagram Stories to thank Doja Cat for being his “sister in life” and for the touching speech she gave in her honor.




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