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3 good reasons to buy clothes at Costco

3 good reasons to buy clothes at Costco


Most of us shop at Costco to save money on groceries, gas, and other household items. And while buying your daily needs in bulk from Costco can certainly help you reduce your monthly budget, the warehouse offers many other products and services that can make this membership worth its $60 or $120 cost. $ per year. Like clothes.

Yes, while you may not associate Costco with clothing, the warehouse has many styles and sizes for men, women, and kids. Costco sells activewear, winter coats, sweatpants, socks, swimsuits and even Halloween costumes. If you've never browsed the clothing section at Costco, here are some reasons to take a look.

Despite the large size of warehouse clubs, Costco does not have fitting rooms. But if you want to return clothes to Costco later, you can take advantage of its 100% satisfaction guarantee, which entitles you to a full refund when you return clothes at a later date.

As Costco states on its website:

“With few exceptions, Costco has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Simply bring the product to any Costco warehouse and our Member Services team will be happy to help you*. This may be helpful if you have the receipt or the original packaging of the product, but this may not be necessary to process your return.”

While you can technically return any clothing (even lightly worn ones), use discretion. Your local Costco may refuse your refund if the clothes are dirty, torn or in poor condition.

2. Variety of branded items

Costco sells many clothing brands, including PUMA, Banana Republic, Reebok, and Calvin Klein. Plus, these brands are often sold at prices much lower than what you'll find online. For example, here's how Costco's prices compare to Amazon's for men's clothing from three popular brands.




Banana Republic Slim Fit Non-Iron Dress Shirt



Calvin Klein Slim Fit Non-Iron Dress Shirt



Columbia Men's Long Sleeve Raglan T-Shirt



Date source:, Amazon

And here's how Costco compares to Walmart for women's clothing with two popular brands.




PUMA Women's Fleece Jogger Pants



Banana Republic Women's Plaid Flannel Shirt Jacket



Data source:, Walmart

Now, this doesn't include deals you might find at department stores for name-brand items, especially discount or second-hand stores that sell older styles at lower prices. But despite this, Costco's prices are sometimes hard to beat. For example, the same Banana Republic men's dress shirt that sells for $9.97 at Costco costs $20 at Poshmark — and it's also getting good use on Poshmark.

From time to time, Costco runs promotions when you purchase multiple items of clothing at once. For example, you can currently save $20 when you buy five to nine items of clothing, or $50 when you buy 10 or more (offer expires April 14, 2024).

Often, these promotions are only for Kirkland Signature products, which are Costco's private label. Since Kirkland Signature products are typically less expensive than name-brand items, this only adds to the savings. In fact, you'll often find Kirkland clothing that roughly matches popular styles at department stores, but at significantly lower prices.

Advice: If you see clothing with the Kirkland Signature logo, like hoodies with the logo printed all over it, buy them while you can. These items have become a fashion trend in their own right.

Overall, Costco could help you save on clothing, especially if you're replacing your wardrobe for spring or summer. Costco Executive members could save even more by getting 2% cash back on their clothing purchases in the form of a Costco coupon once a year. Check out Costco's selection online and see if its prices can beat those at your favorite clothing store.

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