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Lana Del Rey sparkles in blue dress during Coachella performance with Billie Eilish

Lana Del Rey sparkles in blue dress during Coachella performance with Billie Eilish


Lana Del Rey shined the spotlight at Coachella!

The Young and Beautiful singer, 38, made a grand entrance for her performance on the music festival's main stage on Friday (April 12) in Indio, Calif., by hanging on to the shoulders of a motorcyclist as she headed towards his set. She dazzled the crowd by wearing a sequined periwinkle blue dress with a cutout at the stomach and pleated details in the skirt.

The “Black Beauty” singer wore her hair down, styled in soft waves, and completed her look with a pair of Christian Louboutin glittery silver boots with a pointed heel and the brand's signature red stockings.

Del Rey's last Coachella appearance was 10 years ago, when she stood barefoot in a vibrant floral print dress on the Outdoor Theater stage, taking selfies with audience members and even giving a lucky fan a kiss.

Her performance outfits have always been casual and coy, with hints of Americana and cottage-core that tie into the singer's musical tendency toward retro nostalgia.

Her Coachella 2024 look matched her signature flirtatious style, she just added tons of sparkle. Del Rey's biggest surprise was the special guest she brought on stage this year: Billie Eilish.

Lana Del Rey performs at Coachella in 2014.

C Flanigan/FilmMagic

The “Happier Than Ever” singer, 22, wore a plaid shirt and jeans as she joined Del Rey on stage for duets of “Ocean Eyes” and “Video Games.”

Del Rey usually favors floral looks at music festivals. At San Francisco's Outside Lands in 2023, she served Priscilla Presley-style looks, complementing a large beehive hairstyle with a wide red headband, another nod to her quintessentially American theme.

But this year, her Coachella dress matched the simplicity she chose in February, when she attended the Grammys alongside longtime friend Taylor Swift. At the annual Music Awards, she presented a more sultry vibe in a black dress adorned with floral flocking and black bows galore in her hair, on her shoes and gloves.

Lana Del Rey attends the 66th GRAMMY Awards at Arena.

Kayla Oaddams/WireImage

Del Rey has gained attention for her casual approach to red carpet style in the past after revealing that the silver dress in her 2020 Grammys look was purchased at a local mall for less than $600. How American is her core!

Del Rey will perform again at Coachella during the festival's second weekend, which takes place April 19-21.




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