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How to Dress in a Non-Traditionally Feminine Way

How to Dress in a Non-Traditionally Feminine Way


This article is written by a student writer from UCLA's Her Campus chapter.

Ever since I was a child, I was called a tomboy (read: baby lesbian). Maybe it was the fact that I grew up with two hyper-feminine women, my mother and my twin sister, or maybe it was the fact that I always prioritized comfort over appearance , but most of my childhood was spent in a t-shirt and jeans. Fast forward a decade later and I have fully embraced my tomboy style for my daily activities. I wear sports bras, practically live in muscle tees, and sleep in jeans (and no, I won't be ashamed of it).

But sometimes I feel particularly feminine or want to dress up, and after four years of mock trial, a blazer just isn't enough. That’s when it’s time to pull out the few feminine pieces I own.

Unfortunately, I usually run into a few issues. I hate the texture of lace, I'm uncomfortable in a skirt, and I cut off all my hair a few years ago. I miss it, well, when it comes to being able to dress in a traditionally feminine way.

Over the years, I've found a few ways to get around this little problem that, if you're like me, you've probably encountered. Luckily, I'm here to help. So, without further ado, here are some ways to dress in a non-traditionally feminine way:

Use accessories

Girl with fringed earrings 2
Anna Thetard / Her campus

I can't emphasize enough how much accessories make or break an outfit, and they're often overlooked. A simple white t-shirt and jeans can become masculine, feminine, or something in between, depending on the types of accessories you pair with it.

For a feminine look, jewelry is essential. Necklaces, rings and piercings can add a subtle touch to an outfit that it didn't have before. It's also never a bad idea to accentuate your outfit with a tote, handbag or a good pair of sunglasses. When it comes to femininity, I've discovered that the more accessories, the better.

Wear Tight Clothes/Find a Flattering Fit

One of the main things that sets a feminine outfit apart from a more androgynous outfit is how it highlights a person's shape. Try not to wear too many layers if you're trying this fitted look. Instead of wearing baggy hoodies and sweatpants (guilty!), get something more fitted.

It doesn't have to be something that covers nothing and looks like it was made for a chihuahua rather than a person. Find the types of clothing you're already comfortable in and make small changes. For example, for me, instead of wearing a unisex black crew neck, I would have one designed for women with a V-neck. Simple things like the tightness and fit of clothing can make a huge difference when it is about accepting your femininity.

Wear the right shoes

I'm not sure why men are so obsessed with shoes these days. Despite the jokes in almost every chick flick I've watched, I've never met a woman more obsessed with shoes than the guys I know.

That being said, a simple change to a more feminine shoe can change an outfit. For example, instead of wearing chunky basketball shoes, pairing your outfit with something like Converse or Vans can give it a more feminine touch, especially if you find one of the beautiful shoes with embroidery. And, for you gay girls, keep wearing Doc Martens. At this point, this is the only way I can identify you.

wear light makeup

Aquaphor hand sanitizer, lip gloss, face powder and lip balm
Original photo by Lily Oneal

Yes, yes, I know that makeup is a very traditional feminine part. But you don't have to go all out with blush, lipstick, eyeliner, etc. Women possess the very unique ability to transform themselves (with the use of makeup, of course). By using concealer, contour and highlighter, you can accentuate the feminine features of your face. You're going to want to do this by slimming your nose and softening your jawline. Even this little touch can add a little more femininity to your features.

Do what you want

Ultimately, femininity is unique to each person. I'm definitely a woman, but if you looked at me in my everyday life, you probably wouldn't guess it. This is because, for me, femininity is something that does not need to be expressed externally. Instead, it's much more about my experiences, my shared connection with the women around me, and my deep-rooted love of romance novels.

So, the main way to dress femininely is to express your femininity, regardless of how it resonates with You. For my mother, her lipstick and her hoop earrings. For my sister, it's dyeing her hair blonde and painting her room pink. And for me, that's wearing hoodies while kicking ass.




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