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Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention's 1968 Whiskey a Go Go concert

Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention's 1968 Whiskey a Go Go concert


In summer of 1968, months after the release of We're only here for the money And Lumpy sauce and a few months before the release of Cruise with Ruben & the Jets, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention found time for a five-hour concert on the Sunset Strip. A new box set, Whiskey to go, 1968 – which will be released on June 21 – recounts the single evening, which the band recorded for release but, in true Zappa fashion, split up for spare parts on other recordings. (Notably, Uncle Meat's “God Bless America” ​​came from this concert, and some tracks later appeared on Zappa's 2020 soundtrack.)

A handwritten announcement for the concert that the group organized in the Los Angeles Free Press promised “5 full hours of unprecedented merriment, which will be secretly recorded for a future album”. He went on to say, “Dress optional. From the evening. RSVDT,” but the state of dress (or undress) of the audience, the time it started, and the meaning of “DT” in French are all lost to history.

What does exist, at least now, are the five or so hours of jazz-rock experimentation with which the band treated its probably naked fans. The collection's first officially released track, “The Duke – Take 2,” shows the Mothers jamming with wah-wah guitar, drums, and what may be a perpetual motion tambourine for five and a half minutes. (By the way, this is “Take 2”, since Zappa treated the whole night like a recording session and wasn't happy with the first try, so they just started again.)

A super deluxe edition of the collection is available as a five-LP or 3-CD box set. It includes liner notes from the Zappa family's “Vaultmeister” Joe Travers, who co-produced the set with Ahmet Zappa, and the GTO's Pamela Des Barres, who performed at the concert. Ahmet also interviewed Alice Cooper, who also performed that evening, for one-liners.

If five LPs are too heavy, a double LP version will also be available. And all major high-res streaming services will host the full five hours.

“It was truly a night among nights,” Travers wrote in the liner notes. “The Mothers' performance was not perfect, but very good. Frank was in good spirits, the band played well, and the song sequence captured the band's live repertoire of the era.

Go Go Whiskey 1968 Super Deluxe Edition track listing:

Disc one:

1. “Whiskey Improvisation: Episode I”
2. “America Drinks and Goes Home”
3. “Help, I’m a Rock / Transylvania Boogie”
4. “My boyfriend is back”
5. “Break his head”
6. “Little Jam of Sick Tears”
7. “The purpose of this evening…”
8. “Whiskey Improvisation: Episode II”
9. “Baby Return Status”
10. “Memories of El Monte”
11. “Oh, in the sky”
12. “Valerie”

Disc two:

1. “Fun and merriment”
2. “Hungry Freaks, Dad”
3. “King Kong – Part 1”
4. “King Kong – Part 2”
5. “Octandre”
6. “Whiskey Improvisation: Episode III”
7. “Meow”
8. “God Bless America”
9. “Wing presentation”
10. “Plastic people”
11. “Della’s Preamble”
12. “The Duke – Take 1”
13. “The Duke – Take 2”
14. “Khaki bag”


Disc three:

1. “The Whip”
2. “Whiskey Cauliflower”
3. “Brown shoes don’t work”
4. “Brown Shoe Mix”




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