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Beyoncé invests in 'Cowboy Quiet Luxury' with her latest Cowboy Carter ensemble

Beyoncé invests in 'Cowboy Quiet Luxury' with her latest Cowboy Carter ensemble


Beyoncé's influence on culture continues to extend far beyond the music industry since the release of her new album, Cowboy Carter. His latest work is an homage to country, rewritten on his own terms, and celebrates the country western aesthetic that accompanies it. For the Texas-born artist, her relationship with music is as close as it is with fashion, and when it comes to the evolution of her image, with the cowboy hat featured in most of her looks since the last Grammy Awards, no detail is accidental.

The singer with the most Grammys in history had previously hinted that she “wasn't born a cowgirl, but became one” while growing up in Houston and regularly attending the famous Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show, as explained in her interview with In the magazine. And in a final blast to the understated luxury trend, which has dominated recent runway and celebrity street style seasons, she confirms that she has enough authority to shift the codes of clean lines and sophistication, leaving place for the birth of the “quiet luxury cowboy aesthetic”.

She made it clear in a Ferragamo suit, with a wool trench coat worn over a double-breasted V-neck jacket, a cotton satin shirt and mid-rise pants with a folded hem.

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The singer-songwriter and producer didn't wear an outfit with just any random look from Ferragamo's spring-summer 2023 season, but the first outfit released for designer Maximilian Davis's debut show, modeled by Mona Tougaard. Even though she wore the same beige boots, Beyoncé added her personal touch with the cowboy hat and worthy accessories. Cowboy Carter. She added contrast with a black bag and sunglasses, a look that echoed offerings seen during Pharrell Williams' debut in Louis Vuitton's men's division.




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