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South Florida men's golf wins sixth AAC championship

South Florida men's golf wins sixth AAC championship


BELLEAIR, Florida, April 21, 2024 The University of South Florida men's golf team won its sixth American Athletic Conference championship at Pelican Golf Club in Belleair, Florida. Jake Peacock earned his first conference championship victory, his second victory this season and the third of his career. Peacock shot a career-best 64 (-6) in the third round for a total of 199 (-11), also a career-best.

The Bulls, ranked 48th, have now won the American Athletic Conference championship six times in the tournament's first 10 years. The win marks the Bulls' 19th conference championship overall and first since the 2020-21 season. This victory also marks the fourth time USF has won a team conference championship and an individual conference championship in the same year, which also occurred in 2021.

This victory is the 24th tournament victory under the leadership of the head coach. Steve Bradley, a program record and its sixth conference championship. The Bulls have 54 top-five finishes under the five-time AAC Coach of the Year who is in his 10th season.

Peacock (Milton, Ga.), a member of the 2022-23 AAC Men's Golf All-Conference Team, entered the final round tied for the lead at 135 (-5). He walked away from the field with a career-low final round of 64 (-6) for a five-shot victory at 199 (-11). He logged a career-best 54-hole total. In the final round, Peacock made seven birdies. Peacock led the field with 15 birdies, with a par-4 score of 3.89 (-4), and tied for the tournament lead with a par-3 score of 2.83 (-2). He was under par in all three rounds and improved in all three rounds. He opened with a 69 (-1), followed by a 66 (-4) in the second round.

USF entered play in the third round tied for first with 552 (-8). The Bulls broke away from the field with a 276 (-4) for a victory in seven shots at 828 (-12). USF led the field with 181 pars, was tied for first in par score at 3.03 (+2), second in par score at 4.07 (+12) and tied for second in the score by 5 at 4.40 (-18). ).

Graduate student Brock Healey (Norcross, Ga.) joined Peacock in the top 10, shooting 208 (-2) to tie for sixth. He produced a final score of 70 (E). Healey took a big step forward from the first to the second round, moving up 25 places in the leaderboard after shooting 66 (-4). He opened with a 72 (+2) and closed with an even par 70.

Senior Sam Nicholson (Atlantic Beach, Fla.) finished just outside the top 10 at a par of 210 and tied for 12th. Nicholson shot par or better in the first two rounds, opening with a 70 (E) followed by a 68 (-2) in the second round. He closed with a 72 (+2).

Junior red shirt Cooper Smith (Tampa, Fla.) posted her best round of the tournament, a par 70 in the third round, and finished tied for 22nd at 214 (+4), moving up seven spots in the standings. Cooper opened with a pair of two-over 72s over the first two rounds.

Junior Shubham Jaglan (Jr., Delhi, India) opened with a score tied at 70. Jaglan contributed a scoring round with a 71 (+1) in the second round. He finished with a 74 and tied for at 215 (+5).

Bulls team scores

T1 Jake Peacock (Jr., Milton, Ga.) 69 66 64 -11 (199)
T6 Brock Healy (Gr., Norcross, Georgia) 72 66 70 -2 (208)
T12 Sam Nicholson (Sr., Atlantic Beach, Florida) 70 68 72 E (210)
T22 Cooper Smith (Redshirt Jr., Tampa, Fla.) 72 72 70 +4 (214)
T25 Shubham Jaglan (Jr., Delhi, India) 70 71 74 +5 (215)

Tournament team results

1 South Florida 281 271 276 -12 (828)
2 SMU 277 275 283 -5 (835)
3 Wichita State 279 285 278 +2 (842)
4Memphis 280 275 292 +7 (847)
5 NorthTexas 286 278 289 +13 (853)
6Charlotte 282 290 283 +15(855)
7 Rice 285 290 283 +18(858)
8UAB 283 300 277 +20 (860)
9 FloridaAtlantic 292 278 291 +21 (861)
10 East Carolina 286 292 285 +23 (863)
11 Temple 288 291 290 +29 (869)
12UTSA 288 293 289 +30 (870)

About USF Men's Golf

The USF men's golf program has won 19 conference titles and has had players earn 19 All-America honors. The Bulls have won six American Athletic Conference tournament championships in wire-to-wire fashion, winning four in a row from 2015 to 2018. The Bulls have had four individual conference champions, including Albin Bergstrom in 2021, and have won nine appearances consecutive games at the NCAA regional level, including a 6th place in NCAA Championship match play in 2015. USF is led by Steve Bradleywho has been named American Athletic Conference Coach of the Year five times since taking over the program in 2014. The Bulls have 24 tournament victories under Bradley, including three during the 2023-24 season , by far the most under any coach in program history. .
Follow @USFMGolf on Twitter for the latest program information.

– #GoBulls




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