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WalkGood LA heals our communities through meditation, movement and human wellness

WalkGood LA heals our communities through meditation, movement and human wellness


I want people to be able to feel the energy that we have been developing for three and a half years so that they can “walk well” in their own lives, says Etienne Maurice.

Amid personal trauma and societal upheaval, the Maurice family, rooted in Jamaican heritage, ignited a movement of resilience and healing through the nonprofit organization known as WalkGood LA. Their dedication to fostering community well-being has shined a light on the darkest of times, centering the conversation around mental health and activism.

What began during the pandemic after the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor quickly grew into a call to action.

Founders of WalkGood LA.  Image: Courtesy of WalkGood LA.Founders of WalkGood LA.  Image: Courtesy of WalkGood LA.
Founders of WalkGood LA. Image: Courtesy of Kavi Peshawaria.

“We should run. We should be active,” Etienne remembers seeing people take to the streets to protest. Joined by sister Ivy Coco Maurice and cousin Marley Rae Ralph, the family embarked on a journey to promote wellness through movement and mindfulness.

Offering donation-based yoga sessions, weekly 5k runs, bi-monthly hikes and BreatheGood, held in their creative wellness studio, that bring hope.

WalkGood yoga class.  Image: Courtesy of WalkGood LA.WalkGood yoga class.  Image: Courtesy of WalkGood LA.
WalkGood yoga class. Image: Courtesy of WalkGood LA.

On any given day, Ivy Coco and Etienne's actress mother, Sheryl Lee Ralph, drop by the WalkGood yard. Influential people like Bob Marley: a loveActors, local Los Angeles rappers and more are there to indulge in yoga.

In the 1960s, Rosa Parks began practicing yoga to cope. As culture changes and mental health becomes an increasingly important topic, Etienne acknowledges, “We need to be able to build these new systems. Now that we have the knowledge and vocabulary, we have the resources to offer the next generation.

Initially attracting the attention of celebrities like Michael B. Jordan, WalkGood LA has partnered with brands like Propel Water and ON. This collaboration led to the creation of a line of sustainable shoes and clothing: “Forward Ever, Backward Never”, inspired by the riots of the 1980s in the West Indies.

WalkGood, a Jamaican euphemism passed down from their grandmother, symbolizes safe travel, good fortune and “take care of yourself.”

Etienne looks back on his journey with mental health. I think about the trauma I experienced in my own life, after being shot twice in the leg and going to the psychiatric ward while being placed on a 5150; WalkGood was the grace I needed,” he says.

WalkGood's holistic wellness extends to mental health support with the Zen Den, offering individual therapy sessions, massage therapy sessions and book clubs. Their program, “YouGood,” is a monthly healing circle for men where they journal, participate in sound baths and practice yoga.

Honoring the lives of those who have lost their lives to racial injustice and those who have died, Etienne says, “We breathe for those who are no longer able to do so and who are no longer with us. Let's focus on your breathing. Let's start there. might as well learn how to use it while you're here.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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