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How Press Tour Style Became Hollywood's Fiercest Fashion Battleground

How Press Tour Style Became Hollywood's Fiercest Fashion Battleground


On Xjoked one fan: Do you think Mike gets confused every time Josh and Z say they have to go change for the 5th time in a day when he only brought one outfit?

Thematic dressing aside, the more-is-more approach to media tour fashion is not new. In 2015, actress Blake Lively, who is something of an anomaly in Hollywood in that she is known for her personal style, made headlines for wearing seven outfits in one day while promoting his film. The Age of Adaline. Animé says People She had been planning her press wardrobe for months, saying she easily selected more than 500 looks from, various runway shows and even some past collections. I ended up calling 256 outfits. Wild by 2015 standards, but mild in a post-Roach Act world.

In 2017, Gabrielle Unions stylist Thomas Christos Kikis spoke with The Hollywood Reporter on the circus-ification style of media tours. When you go to New York Fashion Week, you have to change your look, so it kind of conditions you. And you see what the response is when you do that, so you think, 'Oh, let's just create a press tour like Fashion Week,'” Kikis said. It's becoming more and more an opportunity to showcase fashion and not just your film, your book or whatever you're in the press for.

Nearly a decade after Lively's outfit 256 anomaly, the glitzy and style-conscious press tour industry is booming, especially for brands clamoring to showcase their latest designs at hot players, some of whom have signed official brand partnerships or may receive compensation for doing so. wear a certain etiquette at a big event. And in a crowded media landscape, it's never too early to advertise fashion.

Image may contain Ariana Grande Person Clothing Clothing Accessories Jewelry Necklace Adult Clothing & Formal Wear

Even if their film Wicked won't hit theaters until November, Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande wore green and pink themed dresses to the Oscars in March.

Riche Polk/Getty Images

When will the first trailer for the next Wicked film premiering during the Super Bowl in February, its stars Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande held a tunnel-style photo shoot wearing custom sequined Louis Vuitton jerseys in Elphaba green and Glinda pink, each emblazoned with the number 27 as in the date release date of the film in November. 27. But baby it's always nine in months! (The duo doubled down a few weeks later, wearing green and pink dresses, respectively, to the 2024 Oscars.) her Instagram storyGrande let slip a little press tour-style meta-commentary: I sincerely hope you're all ready for this press tour, she wrote, indicating that her fashion wheels had already started turning way before Wickedthe standard promotional calendar.

In other words: welcome to the press tour For the press tour.




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