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Forever 21 now accepts Shein returns and you get a 30% off coupon

Forever 21 now accepts Shein returns and you get a 30% off coupon


Fast fashion meets faster returns.

Forever 21 teamed up with the fashion brand Shein to alleviate buyers' return headaches.

“The new partnership will allow customers to return their Shein online orders at over 300 Forever 21 locations.” Read Shein's May 1 statement.

Customers can return their Shein items to Forever 21 stores within 35 days. Shein

Before the change, if a customer wanted to return or exchange a product, they had to mail it within 35 days. Once the package was sent, buyers waited anxiously for the return to be processed and crossed their fingers that they would be refunded.

Today, Shein implemented the Buy Online, Return In Store (BORIS) solution with the help of “Welcome back,” a UPS shipping company, which “pioneered a simple, transparent returns model and we are excited to launch this offering in hundreds of Forever 21 stores,” said Shein President George Chiao.

To facilitate a smooth return, customers can download a QR code generated via Shein's online portal, according to the return policy.

Once the product is coded, the buyer can bring the item within 35 days of purchase to Forever 21, where the store associate will verify the returned product.

Shoppers need a QR code to process their return at the popular store. TikTok/@dopestforal

In addition to getting their money back or Shein credit, shoppers receive a same-day discount on their next Forever 21 purchase.

“We're always looking for new ways to optimize Shein customers' shopping experience, from faster delivery to easy returns,” Chiao added.

Although Forever 21 closed its doors more than 200 stores nationwide since 2019, the brand found a way to make a comeback by partnering with fast fashion giant Shein.

The collaboration allows Shein products to be sold in physical Forever 21 stores across the country, but the items you find will typically be returns from the Chinese brand's online store.

However, not all returns are deposited on the ground. Happy Returns decides which items should be kept in-store or returned to Shein “whether that means keeping them in-store, moving them to another store in the retailer's network, or shipping returns to an e-commerce warehouse,” according to the statement.

Many fans of the online retailer have shared their excitement over the new return policy on TikTok.

Kealani, passing by @dopestforal online, posted a video of her experience returning with Shein to Forever 21 and observers were shocked by the news.

In the 12-second clip, she demonstrated how she handed the items contained in the Shein clear reusable bag to the store clerk, who processed the return.

The video, which has been viewed more than 10 million times, left TikTokers in disbelief at all the 'L' losses they incurred by throwing away their clothes instead of mailing them in for a refund.

Shein buyers do not need to package the item. Some people brought them in the Shein reusable clear bags. TikTok/@dopestforal

“Really?!!!!! Either I threw it away or donated it because I don't want to go through that [the] hassle! What is the return time? Bless you for this!!! » exclaimed one buyer.

“I thought I tripped when I saw some Shein stuff on their shelves,” added another. “It’s actually smart for F21 to generate foot traffic by doing this.”

“Damn, I just got the L,” wrote one disgruntled online shopper.

“Yes, I can confirm I was there last week and Forever 21 even gave me 30% off for the day,” another viewer commented.




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