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Funky Fashion Offers a Fun Look at Nonprofits

Funky Fashion Offers a Fun Look at Nonprofits



The crowd swelled as Eva Hatzenbuehler walked the catwalk showing off a stained glass-like dress made from broken CDs, a shawl made from duct tape thrown around her shoulders.

Women in the audience took out their cell phones to take photos while a man representing Men's Second Chance Living ripped off his yellow raincoat to reveal an action figure under his yellow-striped tie.

And high schooler Diesel Ward raised the volume through the roof as he made his way around the track, performing a few somersaults before squirming a bit in the name of Higher Ground.


Eight-year-old Christopher Crowder prepares to march on behalf of Far+Wise, which provides academic support for students from freshmen through high school and even college or trade school.

The roar of the crowd attending the second annual Funky Fashion Show and Fundraiser last week easily surpassed that of the crowd watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs in the lounge of the Limelight Hotel.

“This is a wonderful event to mark the season of giving: Idaho Gives,” said Crisis Hotline board member Berenice Crowder.

“Last year's show was awesome,” said Sonya Wilander, director of Men's Second Chance Living, a sober living home for those transitioning from rehab into society. “It’s a great way to give people another way to see some of the nonprofits in our community and raise a little money for them as well.” Of course, I'm a little nervous waiting to see what our models will wear this year! »

Many of the people on the show, like Hatzenbuehler and her cohort from Wood River High School's WATER environmental club, created their own fashion out of items like Christmas wrapping paper. Their presentation was on behalf of the Climate Action Coalition and the Building Materials Thrift Store to show how what some consider waste can be recycled.


Rob Cronin hosted the event, alongside Herbert Romero.

Charmaine McPherson made a colorful bell-bottom outfit from a bright striped fabric and Tricia Dunne found the appropriate wardrobe at The Advocates' Attic for her walk to benefit The Senior Connection.

Others created a wardrobe from colorful retro clothes that the fashion show's founder, Tammy Davis, had solicited from Valley thrift stores. And high school students Ytznel Pedraza, Natalie Zaragoza and Vera Lucia Gonzales were there to do makeup, curls and dress the models with jewelry collected from local flea markets.

Betty Grant, who represented The Senior Connection, spoke at top speed as she got excited about her make-out session. Then she came out onto the podium and began tossing her scarves and Captain Tennille-type hat to the audience in exaggerated gestures that elicited a chorus of laughter.

Rob Cronin, who volunteered as a host on behalf of Rixon + Cronin Real Estate, was a fashion statement in his own right, wearing a silky gold shirt accented with leopard spots, Elton John-style glasses, curly wig and elegant shoes decorated with embroidery. pattern between the toe and heel in brown leather.


This model represented the Blaine County Community Fund, which saved more than 500 families from eviction by providing them with rent and mediation, while injecting $1.5 million into the community.

In keeping with the theme, audience members were given 78 rpm records, such as hits from the 1920s and Al Hirt's Greatest Hits, to use as paddles to bid on fashion on behalf of the nonprofit organizations.

Sally Gillespie, executive director of the Spur Foundation, told the audience that her organization was founded in 2016 to increase impactful giving in the community and help nonprofits maximize their success.

“We are seeing a level of collaboration and impact that we have never seen before. Tonight is a good example of that collaboration as we ask questions like: How can we create well-being for everyone here? she says. “A community our size, as remote as we are, shouldn’t have what we were lucky enough to have – it’s because you care.” And something that never goes out of style is giving. »

The fashion show was barely over when Aubrey Cravens, who had walked the runway for Mountain Humane's Barkin' thrift store, began planning next year's fashion show.


One of Mens Second Chance Living's designs featured a colorful mix of contrasting patterns.

“I had so much fun,” she said. “I’m already taking notes. Bring dogs next year. Cats in backpacks…”




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