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Cardi B defends not knowing Met Gala dress designer's 'complicated' name after backlash

Cardi B defends not knowing Met Gala dress designer's 'complicated' name after backlash


It is complicated.

Cardi B made headlines for failing to memorize the name of Sensen Lii, the Windowsen designer who created her head-turning dress at the 2024 Met Gala, but the rapper posted a now-expired video on Instagram explaining the snub.

In the clip (by TMZ), the “WAP” singer, 31, said she noticed her fans were “pretending to choke on Twitter” over her post-Vogue snafu. shared a video of the star saying her “amazing” dress designer was “Asian and all”.

Cardi B got a little angry when she couldn't remember the name of her 2024 Met Gala dress designer. Getty Images for the Met Museum/Vogue
Windowsen designer Sensen Lii created this larger-than-life black dress. Getty Images for the Met Museum/Vogue
The rapper responded to the controversy with a now-deleted Instagram video explaining her thought process. Cardi B/Instagram

Cardi B shared that she was “very scared” walking up the steps of the Met because of the enormous train on her dress, which featured 3,000 yards of black organza.

“I was rushed to the front of the queue, so when I was interviewed, I kind of forgot to say the designer's name, because his name is a little complicated,” she said. admitted.

“I was wondering how to pronounce his name…my mind was racing,” the “Bodak Yellow” singer shared.

“I was rushed to the front of the queue, so when I was interviewed, I kind of forgot to say the designer's name, because his name is a little complicated,” she said. admitted. Cardi B/Instagram
The rapper made a grand entrance to the ball, with the help of at least nine men. Getty Images

Cardi B went on to say that “former Vogue director” Gilbert Cheah seemed “offended” by her “Asian” comment after posting a comment on The Vogue reel.

“For the record and recognition, and no thanks to Cardii B, the designer of her dress is Sensen Lii who is Chinese,” Cheah wrote.

“It took two months to make the dress. Personally I think it's boring and not even in theme, but she chose it and should have at least remembered his name and not just the fact that he's Asian,'” he said for follow-up.

She posed up a storm in the black dress, headpiece and emerald jewelry. Getty Images for the Met Museum/Vogue
The rapper donned a red Revolve Atelier dress for the afterparty. GC Images

However, Cardi B explained that she did not know designer Windowsen's specific nationality.

“I don’t want to confuse anyone’s nationality,” she said, taking a dig at Cheah by calling him “shady” and thinking that “proves why “the fashion pro was” THE ancient director” of Vogue.

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The singer ended her clip by pulling out a Chanel bag and telling her audience that she was “going shopping.”

She also posted a tribute to the designer on Wednesday, write on (formerly Twitter), “I still have to thank Windowsen from Sensen Lii!!!”

She continued: “I chose you because of your incredible talent and you really managed to make this Met Gala an unforgettable evening.”

Cardi B has spoken.




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