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3-on-3 professional hockey league coming to North America this fall with a $30 million salary cap

3-on-3 professional hockey league coming to North America this fall with a $30 million salary cap


Potentially important professional hockey news emerged on Thursday evening.

According to Steve Dangle with an exclusive scoop, a brand new, fully 3-on-3 professional hockey league is coming to North America this fall. Called the competition Major League Hockey is looking to take advantage of the NHL's 3-on-3 overtime format, which has produced exciting results since it was first introduced for the 2015-16 season.

Dangle revealed that the league will consist of 16 teams with 14 players (12 skaters, 2 goalkeepers) on each team. The 16 teams will be based in both Canada and the United States in the following regions:

  • British Columbia
  • Saskatchewan
  • Quebec
  • Ontario
  • New York
  • California
  • Minnesota
  • Arizona
  • Missouri
  • New England
  • Nebraska
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • Florida

There is no information yet on which exact cities teams will get or which buildings they will play on. Two of the regions will have two teams.

Dangle also states that the MLH, like the NHL, will have a salary cap. Each MLH team can spend up to $30 million, meaning players across the league will earn an average of $2.1 million if all teams exceed the cap. All sixteen teams are allowed to sign three 'major players' with professional experience in North America, Europe or Russia. The rest of the roster will be completed with college hockey players in the US and Canada, major junior players from around the world and 'qualified' women's players.

2018 Stanley Cup Champion with the Washington Capitals, Devante Smith-Pelly, responded with interest to Dangle's tweet about the news. DSP announced his retirement from professional hockey last year.

In addition, every win a team achieves earns a $100,000 bonus, split evenly between the coaches and players. The salary cap news alone means this league will pay half a billion dollars in wages to its players, and that doesn't include additional contracts for coaches, other team personnel or these bonuses.

The mountain of capital needed to finance that kind of operation leads to a further report from Jacob Stoller of The Hockey News. Stoller says he has heard that a “large portion” of venture capital funds are coming from Saudi Arabia. Bauer, one of the leading manufacturers of ice hockey equipment, is also reportedly involved to some extent.

Allan Walsh, one of the best-known agents for NHL players, also tweeted that he has heard that the company 'has significant financial backing'.

The Saudi government has placed its stakes in many major sporting arenas over the past decade, including major corporations professional wrestling, footballAnd golf among other things.

The league games won't be as long as your regular NHL game. Instead, after just 24 minutes of play, they end with one intermission separating two halves, raising questions about travel logistics and how exactly teams will sell tickets for such a short event.




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