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Lauren Sanchez flaunts ample bust in low-cut dress during luxury vacation with Jeff Bezos


Lauren Sanchez is enjoying her eighth luxury vacation this year with fiancé Jeff Bezos and she certainly has the summer wardrobe to match.

The 54-year-old is currently soaking up the sun in Greece aboard the Amazon founder's $500 million superyacht, and on Tuesday she shared a new photo taken during their latest adventure.

Lauren looked stunning in a yellow and white Dolce & Gabbana gown that highlighted her ample neckline and skimmed her curves.

She looked relaxed and refreshed as she lounged in an outdoor seating area while holding a glass of orange Aperol Spritz.

Teasing her favourite summer drink, she captioned the sweet photo: “Don't they say an Aperol a day keeps the doctor away?”

Lauren and Jeff have been island hopping in Greece for over two weeks, but are living on her 420-foot yacht, Koru.

lauren sanchez designer dress vacation© Instagram
Lauren looked stunning in her busty D&G gown

The impressive vessel was built in 2021 in the Netherlands and is recognized as the tallest sailing ship in the world with three massive 229-foot masts.

The twin-engine, twin-propeller boat has a range of luxurious features inside and out. There are two swimming pools on deck, an outdoor dining area and a hot tub. There is another dining area inside, as well as a bar.

Jeff Bezos's Huge Yacht in All Its Glory© Alamy Stock Photo
Jeff Bezos's Huge Yacht in All Its Glory

Other chic features include a cinema and spacious meeting rooms, making the boat perfect for business and leisure.

According to The New York TimesWhen Koru sails, she is followed by Abeona, a 246-foot support vessel. This separate boat can be used to carry jet skis, extra food, and has a helicopter landing pad on top, for jet-set access.

Jeff proposed on the yacht in May 2023 with a stunning diamond ring estimated at $3.5 million.

Lauren enjoys her vacation with her partner Jeff Bezos© Instagram
Lauren vacationed in Greece with her fiancé Jeff Bezos

Looking back on the moment Jeff surprised her with her engagement ring, Lauren admitted she was beyond stunned, recounting Vogue:”When he opened the box, I think I fainted a little.”

However, they are yet to make any plans for their big day, with Lauren previously admitting: “We're still thinking about the wedding, what it's going to be. Is it going to be big?”

Lauren Snchez and Jeff Bezos attend the Versace FW23 fashion show at Pacific Design Center on March 9, 2023 in West Hollywood, California.© Getty Images
Lauren and Jeff went public in January 2019

The couple went public with their relationship in January 2019, shortly after he announced he was divorcing his wife of 25 years, novelist and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, with whom he shares four children.

At the time, he tweeted about his divorce: “We want to update people on a development in our lives. As our family and close friends know, after a long period of romantic exploration and trial separation, we have decided to divorce and continue our shared lives as friends.

Jeff Bezos and his wife MacKenzie Scott arrive at the Axel Springer Prize ceremony in Germany on April 24, 2018.© Getty Images
Jeff and MacKenzie were married for 25 years

“We feel incredibly lucky to have found each other and deeply grateful for every year we have spent together. If we had known we would separate after 25 years, we would do it all over again.

“We have had a wonderful life together as a married couple, and we also see a wonderful future ahead of us, as parents, friends, partners, businesses and projects, and as individuals pursuing ventures and adventures.”

Lauren Sanchez and Jeff Bezos at the Monse Maison Pre-Met Celebration Cocktail Party held at La Mercerie on May 5, 2024 in New York, New York.© Getty Images
Lauren and Jeff have not yet announced wedding plans.

He concluded: “Even though the labels may be different, we remain family and we remain dear friends.”

Lauren also divorced after 13 years of marriage to Patrick Whitesell. She has two children from a previous relationship with former NFL star Tony Gonzalez.

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