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How is technology transforming the fashion industry?

How is technology transforming the fashion industry?


Dress in the digital age where fashion clicks with technology.

Fashion and technology have always been inseparable. Throughout history, from the invention of the sewing machine that revolutionized clothing production to the introduction of synthetic fabrics that transformed the textures and durability of clothing, technology has continually shaped fashion.

Today, as we move more and more into the digital age, the intersection between fashion and technology is evolving more dynamically than ever before. Cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and 3D printing are opening up new possibilities that extend across the entire fashion industry: design, manufacturing, marketing, and sales are all undergoing transformation. Let’s explore how these advancements are revolutionizing the fashion industry.

1. Virtual Fitting Room

Try without trying.

Image from Freepik

Have you ever dreamed of being able to try on clothes or glasses without having to go to a store? Thanks to augmented reality (AR) technology, brands like Warby Parker, Gucci and ASOS are making this futuristic shopping experience a reality. Customers can now imagine themselves wearing glasses or outfits on their devices with astonishing precision.

The mechanism behind this technology is quite simple. Brands use AR technology to create realistic simulations of how you will look in your glasses and clothes. When you use these services, your device's camera captures your image in real time. Then, the AR software processes this image, superimposing digital models of glasses or clothes on your image on the screen. This allows you to see yourself wearing different products, as if you were looking in a mirror.

Gucci's Virtual Shoe Try-On App is a perfect example. It allows you to place your feet in a digital frame and instantly see how different shoes would look on you. The app not only simulates the look, but enriches the experience with realistic textures and lighting effects, mirroring an in-person shopping experience.

Augmented reality in virtual fitting rooms bridges the gap between the convenience of e-commerce and the confidence that comes with in-store shopping. By reducing uncertainty, it can also help reduce waste by avoiding ordering the wrong size or making returns.

2. Customization made easy

Personalize your style effortlessly.

Image by DC Studio via Freepik

Personalization is no longer just about choosing colors or patterns. It is now a fully interactive design experience where your choices directly influence the final product. Custom tailoring, once a privilege reserved for the elite, has become more mainstream thanks to advances in technology.

Services like iTailor is leading this revolution using hyper-realistic 3D modelsThese templates provide a complete view of how custom shirts, suits and shoes will look, allowing you to make detailed selections down to the style of your shirt buttons and thread color.

Screenshot of the Nike By You platform

Another example of customizable mode is the Nike by you Platform. It allows customers to design shoes with extraordinary precision. You can select and change the color and design of various components of your sneakers, including the base, heel, outsole, and even the iconic Nike swoosh. As you customize, you can manipulate photorealistic 3D models of your sneakers, rotate them 360 degrees, and zoom in and out to inspect every angle.

These advancements ensure that the product you imagine is exactly what you receive, truly bringing your unique style vision to life. Through the use of hyper-realistic 3D modeling, the barrier between imagination and reality in fashion has never been thinner.

3. Marketing commitment

Connect with brands like never before.

Image of The seas

Interactive marketing campaigns are transforming the way we interact with fashion brands. Through immersive experiences based on augmented reality and virtual reality (VR), fashion brands are now connecting with consumers far beyond traditional static images and runway shows, inviting them into a dynamic and interactive space.

For example, a luxury fashion house Balenciaga launches video game, Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrowto present its fall 2021 collection. The game offered an immersive experience where users could embark on an adventure in a virtual forest while dressed in digital Balenciaga outfits.

In 2019, Louis Vuitton made a similar leap in its collaboration with the popular video game League of LegendsThe partnership saw the creation of exclusive character skins, merging the world of high fashion with the dynamic universe of the game.

This campaign successfully bridged the gap between the physical and digital worlds, capturing the attention of millions of people around the world, from gamers to fashion lovers. These innovative marketing strategies not only captivate audiences but also create a deeper and more interactive relationship between brands and their followers.

4. Inclusion of NFT

Wearable art in the digital age.

Image of Stone scythe

The concept of owning exclusive fashion items has transcended the physical world with the rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These digital assets represent ownership of unique items that can be both worn and traded in virtual environments.

For example, launched in 2020RTFKT Studios sold a range of physical sneakers, each paired with its virtual counterpart in the form of NFTs. Impressively, the entire collection sold out in just seven minutes, generating a whopping $3.1 million USD in revenue.

Following the same example, Adidas entered the scene in 2021 with its Into the Metaverse collectionoffering limited edition digital street fashion items as NFTs priced at 0.2 ETH (currently around $699). Owners of these NFTs were given access to an exclusive fan club, where they could purchase special products. In a similar vein, in 2022, Nike has unveiled its first range of virtual sneakers called Cryptokicks. This series included 20,000 NFTs, including a remarkable pair designed by acclaimed artist Takashi Murakami, which fetched $134,000 USD.

This brings us to a new era of digital ownership and investment in fashion. With NFTs, exclusivity and value are no longer tied to the physical. They open up new possibilities for how we perceive and interact with fashion in a digital landscape.

5. Fashion in video games

Also improve your style while you play.

Image of Muse of Clio

Video games are not always about quests and battles; they also become a fashion show. For example, the beloved cozy game Animal Crossing: New Horizons has become an unexpected fashion hub during the pandemic, with luxury brands like Marc Jacobs and Valentino seizing the opportunity to release exclusive apparel items in the game.

Another example is Fortnite's collaboration with luxury brand Ralph LaurenThis partnership brought high-end fashion into the battle royale environment, where players can dress their characters in stylish gear designed by Ralph Lauren.

For many players, these virtual spaces are where they first encounter and interact with high fashion. This blend of realms reflects the ever-growing connection between gaming and fashion, with virtual clothing becoming as sought-after as its real-world counterparts.

6. Spectacles on the run in digital spaces

Runway shows go virtual for a global audience.

Image of The Voice of Fashion

Fashion events are no longer limited to physical stages. They are now digital and can reach a global audience from the comfort of their homes.

An example is the black luxury fashion brand Hanifa's 3D Virtual Fashion Show In 2020, this show featured the Pink Label Congo collection and went viral. Instead of traditional models, the clothes were displayed on ghostly figures that glided down the virtual runway, creating a spectacle that was both mesmerizing and captivating.

Final thoughts

The digitalization of the fashion industry is synonymous with a profound cultural shift. It is changing the way consumers interact with fashion, from trying on and buying clothes to interacting with brands via social media and other digital platforms. The examples mentioned above illustrate the vast potential of these technologies, which offer personalized, interactive and sustainable options that meet the needs of digital natives.

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