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A woman has gone viral after sharing her controversial opinions on how Americans miss the mark with their European vacation outfits.
“Euro Summer” style is taking over our FYPs, quickly filling up with influencers sharing GRWMs of Capris and outfit ideas for a beach day in Barcelona, but Lindsay Rose’s viral video has sparked conversations about whether American tourists really understand what European summer style is all about.
Talk to NewsweekThe 24-year-old photographer and content creator shared, “I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to Europe multiple times, visiting cities like Paris, Amsterdam, Florence, Brussels, and more! While I’m by no means an expert on European fashion, I’ve had the opportunity to experience quite a few and am always inspired by their style.”
To sum up how to spot an American abroad and a true European outfit, share shared: “I think a very short way to describe the difference between American fashion and European fashion is that if you told an American woman she looked very trendy, she would most likely be flattered, and if you told a European woman she looked trendy, she would most likely be offended.
“We go on social media to find out what to wear in certain places and then we copy and paste instead of just taking inspiration from it and creating it into something that is our own. We try too hard to wear what is ‘on trend’ and listen to fashion influencers on ‘what we should wear in Europe this summer’ but then we get to Rome and there are 20 other girls wearing the exact same outfit as us at L’Antico Forno.”
Getting caught marrying a stranger is a huge no-no for anyone in the European fashion scene, as she continued: “The stylish people in Europe all have a unique wardrobe. I especially love it when I see a group of friends and I can get a little glimpse of their personality through their outfits. They don’t care what anyone else says about fashion and they wear exactly what they like. Whether that’s something chic and timeless, bold and daring, or often a combination of both.”
She also highlighted the global nature of fashion, with trends that transcend borders. “Fashion is a language, and whether you like it or not, when you wear something, you communicate something to everyone,” she said. “I really like what Europeans communicate. At the same time, I often feel like Americans are saying the same thing.”
While she's pushing for Americans to acknowledge that their interpretation of European style is far from authentic, she added, “Ultimately, everyone should wear what they feel beautiful and confident in! Whether that means blending in with the locals, sticking to your hometown style, or trying something completely different.
As for her video, which has been viewed over 2.2 million times, she concluded: “The goal of this video was to help women better prepare for what to expect when traveling in Europe. What they choose to do with it is entirely their choice!”
While some may have been offended by Rose's honest admission, a true European fashionista said Newsweek why she agrees.
Italian Rosanna Elettra, who currently lives in London, said it was “fascinating to see how Americans interpret European summer fashion, often focusing on trends they consider to embody European aesthetics. However, there are clear differences between American and European styles.”
She explained: “European fashion is known for its simple, practical and sustainable approach, which often contrasts with the more polished and sometimes extravagant interpretations seen in American interpretations.”
Subtlety is key for European girls, something she says Americans overlook. She continues, “American women tend to embrace bold, eye-catching pieces, sometimes missing the subtle elegance that defines true European summer fashion.”
“For example, while American trends emphasize bold patterns and trendy accessories, Europeans often gravitate toward classic, timeless pieces that prioritize comfort and functionality without sacrificing style.”
Don't overthink your packing, because a capsule wardrobe could become your best friend when you travel this summer.
“European fashion thrives on simplicity,” says Elettra. “Opt for versatile pieces like a classic button-down shirt, which can be worn over a swimsuit during the day or dressed up for an evening.”
The added benefit of these options is the use of breathable fabrics for warmer climates. She added: “Items like linen pants, cotton dresses and lightweight cardigans are must-haves that combine comfort and style.”
Versatility and simplicity are the key words for Elettra’s next must-have trend, as she explains: “Europeans often choose chic yet practical footwear, such as stylish sneakers or comfortable sandals. Brands like Birkenstock have become popular for their blend of comfort and style.”
This is essential for days spent exploring ruins or wandering cobbled markets, as Elettra said: “Make sure your shoes are suitable for long walks and exploring, a common aspect of European holidays.”
Elettra's advice doesn't mean your suitcase has to be beige and boring, though, as she explains: “While Europeans favour neutral and earthy tones, they also embrace colour, especially for beach trips or long walks along the coast.”
Accessories are a great way to incorporate fun pops of color into your look. She continued, “Accessories like bags, hats, or scarves in bright hues can add a dynamic feel to your outfit. These pops of color create a balanced, chic look without overwhelming the overall style.”
Eco-friendly boutiques and sustainable market stalls are an essential part of any European city, as Elettra explains: “Sustainable luxury fashion is becoming increasingly popular in Europe, not only because it is environmentally friendly, but also because of its unique appeal.”
The added bonus of shopping sustainably is that you're more likely to find something that no one else will have, meaning it's worth doing a bit of shopping while taking a break from the sun and sea.
“Pieces made from sustainable materials are often unique, allowing everyone to create one-of-a-kind outfits that stand out. This trend is driven by a desire for exclusivity and a commitment to high-quality craftsmanship. Investing in sustainable luxury items means you won’t see everyone wearing the same piece, making your wardrobe truly distinctive.”
Don't forget to consider your destination: Europe can be anything from bustling urban cities to seaside paradises, and each has its own unique styles and inspirations.
“When you’re planning and packing for a European summer, think about the places you’ll be visiting: the tones, the colors, even the food,” Elettra said.
“In Europe, everything is interconnected. Fashion is often inspired by local culture, cuisine, art and landmarks.”
Referring to some of her favorite designers, she added: “That’s why brands like Dolce & Gabbana, Versace and Cavalli draw heavily on nature and cultural heritage for inspiration. When packing, consider the landscapes and moods of your destinations to create outfits that complement your surroundings.”
Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.
Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.
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