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Myleene Klass cuts a chic figure in a long black dress and a leather jacket as she heads to work


She has taught the piano in the country with daily sessions on Instagram while she and her family isolate themselves at home.

And Myleene Klass took a break from teaching when she was spotted making a posh arrival at Global Radio Studios on Friday, where she presents her radio show Smooth.

The former Hear’Say singer, 41, was elegant wearing a long black dress paired with a black leather jacket as she entered the building.

Beauty: Myleene Klass took a break from teaching when she was spotted making a posh arrival at Global Radio Studios on Friday, where she presents her radio program Smooth

Beauty: Myleene Klass took a break from teaching when she was spotted making a posh arrival at Global Radio Studios on Friday, where she presents her radio program Smooth

Myleene accessorized her look with a quilted black bum bag, white sneakers and large dark sunglasses.

The classic star wore her brown braids in a straight style, which she added a touch of bling to her look with large gold hoop earrings.

Myleene’s appearance comes after wowing fans on Instagramwhile playing the piano upside down in a lesson with girls Ava, 12, and Hero, eight.

Fashionista: Former Hear'Say singer, 41, was elegant wearing a long black dress paired with a black leather jacket as she entered the building

Fashionista: Former Hear’Say singer, 41, was elegant wearing a long black dress paired with a black leather jacket as she entered the building

Friday, Myleene posted a video showing her teaching the difference between “major” and “minor”, but she was quickly amazed when she turned around and started to tickle the ivory behind her back.

Capturing the video, Myleene wrote: “PARENTS! Today, watch me literally lean back to teach your kids! Major or minor? (Two of my friends still don’t know the difference …. you know who you are, I know you will watch!)

“They will know after that. #myleenesmusicklass link in Bio #youtube #stayhome #homeschooling (oh and see my party stuff!) ‘

Walk this walk: Myleene looked relaxed and confident as she walked through the streets of London

Walk this walk: Myleene looked relaxed and confident as she walked through the streets of London

Details: Myleene accessorized her look with a quilted black bum bag, white sneakers and big dark sunglasses

Style: The classic star wore her brown braids in a straight style, which she added a touch of bling to her look with large gold hoop earrings

Details: Myleene accessorized her look with a quilted black bum bag, white sneakers and big dark sunglasses

In the clip, the star, who wore a pale blue shirt, played a cheerful melody, her daughters then brandished smiling or sad posters to guess if the melody was played in major or minor chord.

She then revealed her “party ride” and turned to face the piano, before continuing to play the same song with her hands behind her back.

Myleene's appearance comes after she wowed fans on Instagram while playing the piano upside down during a lesson with girls Ava, 12, and Hero, eight

Myleene’s appearance comes after she wowed fans on Instagram while playing the piano upside down during a lesson with girls Ava, 12, and Hero, eight

Skills: Friday, Myleene posted a video showing her teaching the difference between

Skills: Friday, Myleene posted a video showing her teaching the difference between “major” and “minor”, but she was quickly amazed when she turned around and started to tickle the ivory behind her back

After they finish, Ava and Hero clap and clap, Myleene also seemingly satisfied with herself.

The impressive post was soon inundated with comments from fans congratulating her on her talent.

Another video posted by the radio presenter showed her playing a song from the Disney Moana movie, her daughters guessing again if it was played in major or minor.

Lesson: In the clip, the star, who wore a pale blue shirt, played a happy melody, her daughters then brandished smiling or sad posters to guess if the melody was played in major or minor chord

Lesson: In the clip, the star, who wore a pale blue shirt, played a happy melody, her daughters then brandished smiling or sad posters to guess if the melody was played in major or minor chord

Change it up: She then revealed her “ party ride ” and turned to face the piano, before continuing to play the same song with her hands behind her back

Myleene’s Instagram treat comes days after she revealed that she was “ trying to stay sane ” while teaching the nation how to play the piano.

Appearing Wednesday morning at Good Morning Britain, Myleene discussed the importance of taking care of your mental health during the COVID: 19 lockdown.

She said, “ I was a music teacher 20 years ago, so I guess I’m going back to my roots, trying to stay sane, lightening a lesson from the home school curriculum.

“My daughters are really good. Ava, she’s a real pianist, she’s amazing. It was something that was really nice for us as a family.

“People take care of the physical side but you also have to take care of the mental side.

`` I'm trying to stay SANE '': Myleene told GMB on Wednesday why she teaches the piano in the country when she urges others to take care of their mental health during the lockout

“ I’m trying to stay SANE ”: Myleene told GMB on Wednesday why she teaches the piano in the country when she urges others to take care of their mental health during the lockout

“Music is considered a sweeter subject, but now that Glastonbury is canceled and the theater is canceled, people are looking to put some soul back into their lives.

The day before, Myleene spoke to MailOnline exclusively about her grandfather’s plans during the coronavirus crisis, saying, “I want to be the music teacher for the country!”

The mother of three and a former Hear’Say singer had a brainwave last week as the United Kingdom prepared to enter a lockout, realizing that she could offer her talents as a classical musician.

After discussing the stress of home schooling in her Whatsapp group of school moms, Myleene decided to do her best to lighten the load on parents by launching her dubbed online music lessons Klass Music.

She said: `` People take care of the physical side, but you also have to take care of the mental side ''

She said: “ People take care of the physical side, but you also have to take care of the mental side ”

Teacher: Myleene has big plans during the coronavirus crisis, declaring

Teacher: Myleene has big plans during the coronavirus crisis, declaring “I want to be the music teacher of the country!” as she launches her online music Klass

She tried the lessons last week, taking into account the requests of her 300k Instagram followers as she played song after song on her piano at home.

His daughters Ava and Hero joined, mind-blowing their talents after years of teaching their mother, while baby Apollo, seven months old, sat on his lap and boyfriend Simon Motson played the cameraman.

“When I was a poor student working in a bar, that’s what I did, I sat and played anything,” she says, “playing by ear was my hidden secret that no one never really knew what I could do! ‘

Have fun: And it looks like his baby Apollo, seven months old, also benefited from the lessons

Have fun: And it looks like his baby Apollo, seven months old, also benefited from the lessons

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