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Islamic Republic of Pakistan, sincerely tried to celebrate the birthday of our Prophet (pbuh)


Politics is essentially a business of this world. But manipulative governments throughout history have often claimed to be holier than you to perpetuate themselves in power. And the one we’ve been living with in Pakistan since August 2018 seems to be behaving too loudly while displaying their own brand of religiosity.

In doing this, government narrative officials systematically but recklessly forget that as a society we are not the recent converts to Islam. This religion came to us over a thousand years ago and has spread widely to areas once thought to include the Indus Valley.

Our ancestors had embraced Islam, mainly because of the gentle but devoted preaching and surprisingly humble practices of a very long chain of successive mystics. They had also instilled a very deep love for our Prophet (pbuh) in our hearts. Rather, this love has become an integral part of our collective DNA. We do not need edicts or goads from the government to prove our dedication in this regard.

Yet the Imran government is certainly going the extra mile to present itself as the very first government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which has sincerely tried to celebrate the birthday of our Prophet (PBUH) on a large scale.

Since the advent of the current session of the National Assembly last week, the government had failed miserably to muster at least 86 members in its ranks to maintain the quorum. Instead of enticing its members with effective messages, the government ultimately felt no shame in attempting to run a full and orderly house by invoking the holiest name of our Prophet (pbuh).

On the agenda for the day was a prominent item. He said Ali Muhammad Khan, the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, would present a motion. The purpose of the motion was: “This House can discuss the Uswa-e-Hasna (the praiseworthy life and conduct) of our Holy Prophet (pbuh).

Tell me, what Pakistani, even if he is not a pious Muslim, would dare to say no to such a motion? Yet Shahbaz Sharif, the president of the PML-N and leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, decided to prove that he was a better pupil of Machiavelli while preventing the government from hiring the house by hypocritically invoking religiosity.

At the start of Monday’s sitting, Shahbaz Sharif skillfully took advantage of his status and forced the President to give him the floor. He began with a long preamble, humbly referring to the large-scale celebrations related to the birthday of our Prophet (pbuh). After rendering the appropriate tributes in sincere humility, he gradually moved on to a long list of points, aimed at showing the world that contrary to the compassionate and friendly teachings of our Prophet (pbuh), the government of Imran had pursued heartlessly. policies that triggered a relentless wave of inflation. An average Pakistani with limited or uncertain income, he insisted, found it increasingly difficult even to survive, to forget to hope for a better future.

Throughout the Leader of the Opposition’s speech, the hawks sitting on the government benches continued to feel extremely nervous and uncomfortable. They even criticized the president appointed by the PTI for letting the opposition leader speak and speak.

Asad Qaisar, however, considers himself the smartest Aleck in the sun. He seemed to genuinely imagine that in exchange for the privilege of having the microphone at the start of the session, Shahbaz Sharif would let the room run smoothly with the rest of the agenda. And he was completely naive on this point. Rather, Shahbaz Sharif took him for a comfortable ride.

The government could still have turned the tide if it had firmly clung to the idea of ​​devoting the entire Monday session to commemorating the birthday of our Prophet (pbuh). Instead of focusing on this, however, the government desperately wished that Murad Saeed would first be given the floor to respond to the points raised by Shahbaz Sharif.

This young minister of communication is considered to be Imran Khan’s loyalist Alpha. The government usually depends on its delirious verbosity to settle political scores with figures like Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Shahbaz Sharif. But Murad Saeed didn’t even have a chance to fly away for the flight on Monday; not enough members sat on the treasury benches to establish a quorum. The opposition instinctively spotted this vulnerability, strongly demanded the count, and the house had to be adjourned until Wednesday afternoon.

I would have simply ignored with almost contempt, if another session of the National Assembly had to be adjourned for lack of a quorum, (nothing unusual about that). But being an ordinary Muslim, fully aware and ashamed of my shortcomings and flaws, I felt deeply hurt that the most beloved and sacred name of our Prophet (pbuh) was used wrongly and to the contrary. through to maintain a quorum and hire a house filled with politicians, motivated solely by the temptations of this world. Unfortunately, I also have to blame exclusively the government for bringing us to such a painful state.




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