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Prince Harry falls victim to hoaxes and reveals his thoughts on Megxit


Prince Harry reveals his pain over Megxit during a phone call with PHONY Greta Thunberg as he informs Russian hoaxes “ we are entirely different from most family members '' & # 39; and hits world leaders “ sick '' on changing the environment.

Prince Harry consulted a group of Russian celebrities from the You Tube from his residence in Canada.
He was sure he was talking to Greta Thunberg and her dadSvante
Instead, he chatted with the Russians Alexei Stolyarov and VladimirKuznetsov

Prince Harry was in fact allegedly joked by a team of Russian celebrities from You Tube who claimed to be the Swedish environmental change protester Greta Thunberg in 2 telephone discussions.
The pranksters, Alexei Stolyarov and Vladimir Kuznetsov, have in fact targeted the similarity between Elton John and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
During two telephone discussions, Harry talked about his feelings about the Megxit concern and condemned Donald Trump and Boris Johnson.
Two Russian pranksters Alexei Stolyarov and Vladimir Kuznetsov "deceived" Prince Harry into believing they were the protester for the change in the environment Greta Thunberg and her dadSvante

Vladimir ‘Vovan’ Kuznetsov, 30, and Alexei ‘Lexus’ Stolyarov, called Prince Harry twice on a landline at his residence on Vancouver Island.

The 2 Russians declared to be Greta and her papa Svante, pictured on the right.

Prince Harry and Meghan, imagined on Monday, attended their last royal interactions with authorities today.

The 2 Russians have declared themselves to be Greta and her father Svante.
From March 31, the Queen's grandson and previous American starlet, Meghan, will most likely no longer use their RHS designs as they pursue a whole new life of individual and economic flexibility, primarily in North America
According to the records, which supposedly include Prince Harry, he discusses his choice to act against members of the royal family.
He informs the Russians: "And this choice was by no means the easiest, but it was the best choice for our family members, the best choice to be able to protect my child.
"And I guess there are a lot of people in the world who can determine and consider us for placing our family members out of the house.
"But, yes, it is a challenge, but we will definitely start a whole new life.".
The sound unfolds with Harry's confidence: "You neglect, I have been in the military for 10 years, so I am much more typical than my family members think.
"But staying absolutely in a different placement currently gives us the ability to claim points and make points that we may not have been able to do."
Harry, thinking he was chatting with Greta and her dad, said, "The globe is a place in distress and it can be very simple to stop and I guess what you are doing is really amazing.
"Unfortunately, the globe is run by really sick people, so people like you and a younger generation are the ones who are going to make the distinction.
"Average normal points have indeed been corrected in recent years and have in fact not had the result
"I suppose individuals have to be awakened and the only way to awaken individuals from what is a dilemma of consciousness is, I suppose, to make serious points.
“And tiny actions or rewards don't make any distinction these days.
"I guess what you have to do is make huge adjustments that really amaze people, and it’s this shock that wakes people up.
"Because at the end of the day, we are all the frog that has actually been placed in cool water and brought to a boil without understanding.".
He also condemned the President of the United States, Donald Trump, for his non-renewable fuel source plan.
He said, "I guess the simple truth that Donald Trump is pressuring the coal industry is so huge in America that he has blood on his hands.
"Because the result which takes away the environment and the island countries, far from it, once again hidden.
"But we did see those areas and I make sure you do too." People's lives have in fact been completely damaged.
"People die every month from a kind of natural disaster, born out of this substantial change in our environment."



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