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Judge orders Trump’s impeachment in New York investigation : NPR

Judge orders Trump’s impeachment in New York investigation : NPR


A New York Supreme Court judge has ruled that former President Donald Trump and his children Ivanka and Donald Jr. are scheduled to appear for a deposition regarding alleged fraud at the Trump Organization.


Completely misses the mark. That’s how a New York judge ruled Thursday in response to arguments from attorneys for Donald, Don Jr. and Ivanka Trump. The Trumps attempt to dodge questions from the New York Attorney General regarding alleged fraud at the Trump Organization. NPR’s Andrea Bernstein covered this investigation. Andrea, this looks like a legal attack on the Trump organization. So is this the final word on this?

ANDREA BERNSTEIN, BYLINE: So hello. And probably not. The Trumps’ attorneys say they plan to appeal, which they can do. But the decision was not a close call, which makes this route more complicated. Judge Arthur Engoron ruled within hours of a hearing yesterday and only thinned out the arguments of Trump’s lawyers. The judge said that, to quote “not to investigate, the Trumps would have been a gross dereliction of duty of the attorney general” and that, as he said, their arguments completely missed the mark. What were these arguments? Trump’s lawyers said in court it wasn’t fair to ask them to testify under oath in a civil investigation when the New York attorney general is also involved in a criminal case, a separate investigation in New York .

MARTINEZ: Okay, so assuming the Trumps testify under oath, what are they going to be questioned about?

BERNSTEIN: So if this goes ahead now, they should, as written, be – subject to examination under oath within three weeks. And we know from previous court documents that the Attorney General is particularly interested in how Donald, Don Jr. and Ivanka Trump valued or overvalued their properties. An example she gave in court documents was that Trump lied about the square footage and value of his apartment in Trump Tower, saying it was worth way more than it was and that he was also bigger. Now, on a more serious note, Trump’s accountants said this week that a decade of financial statements could not be trusted. The Attorney General will certainly want to get to the bottom of this.

MARTINEZ: Should they respond?

BERNSTEIN: So no. And that’s what the judge kept repeating throughout yesterday’s hearing. He said they could go–be questioned. And then they have the right to take the Fifth Amendment, like everyone else. And, in fact, Eric Trump, another child of Donald Trump and a leader of the Trump Organization, has already done it. And he took the Fifth Amendment or quoted the Fifth Amendment 500 times. Now the Trumps say it’s unfair because it could be used against them in the civil case while there’s a criminal case pending but the judge said no it’s the law in a case civilian, and it applies to everyone, Trump included.

MARTINEZ: How are the Trumps reacting to that?

BERNSTEIN: So the Trump Organization released a statement last night that the — saying the whole system is corrupt. Donald Trump himself issued a statement saying – in all caps – that there is no case. And Donald Trump’s lawyer, Alina Habba, said the abhorrent statements made by Letitia James – that’s New York’s attorney general – leave no doubt that this is yet another politically motivated witch hunts. However, the judge kind of pre-butted that in his ruling. He said he had in fact seen some of the evidence in the case privately in his office and that what he saw, quote, “undermines the idea that this case is based on personal animosity, and not on the facts and the law”.

MARTINEZ: This is Andrea Bernstein from NPR. Thanks very much.

BERNSTEIN: Thank you. Great talking to you.


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