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Governor emphasizes leveraging technology and innovation to overcome barriers to justice access

Governor emphasizes leveraging technology and innovation to overcome barriers to justice access


Governor La Ganesan was speaking at a state-level workshop on POCSO Act and NDPS Act held at the Rhododendron Hall of the Police Complex, Chumoukedima, on Saturday. DIPR announced that the workshop was jointly organized by the Law Commission of the High Court, Kohima in collaboration with the Ministry of Law and Justice, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Nagaland Police.

In his inaugural address, Governor La Ganesan said that Nagaland is also not immune to the intricacies and intricacies of criminal justice. He argued that the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act, enacted in 2012, is a ray of hope for protecting children from the trauma of sexual abuse and exploitation. However, the effective implementation and enforcement of this law is hampered by a myriad of challenges.

Similarly, the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985 aims to combat drug abuse and trafficking, which continues to ravage communities and pose a serious threat to public health and safety, especially the health and safety of young people. Masu. The governor said it was imperative to confront local obstacles to its effectiveness, the scourge of drug abuse and trafficking.

He also noted that some of the challenges facing our nation's criminal justice system include geographic constraints that prevent access to remote areas, lack of resources and infrastructure, and cultural sensitivities that affect perceptions of crime and justice. He said there is a difference. Additionally, the governor said the prevalence of traditional dispute resolution mechanisms and the stigma surrounding certain crimes often deter victims from seeking redress through formal legal channels.

Prioritize the training and development of law enforcement personnel, judicial authorities, and health professionals to recognize and work together to address these challenges and respond more effectively to child sexual abuse and drug-related incidents. is imposed on us. crime. He also said there was a need to work with communities to raise awareness, dispel myths and foster trust in the formal justice system.

Additionally, the governor emphasized leveraging technology and innovation to overcome geographic barriers and streamline the process of accessing justice. Similarly, information and communication technology enablement of courts, remote video conferencing, telemedicine and online reporting mechanisms are just a few examples of how technology can be leveraged to improve the efficiency and accessibility of the justice system, he said. .

In closing, Governor La Ganesan called on everyone to remember that the true measure of success is not just in the laws enacted or the cases prosecuted, but in the lives touched and the futures protected. He encouraged everyone to strive and be a beacon of hope, a defender of justice and a guardian of children's dreams. In doing so, we can work together to shape a brighter, safer and more inclusive future for Nagaland and make meaningful progress in strengthening Nagaland's criminal justice system, the Governor said. added.

In his address, IPS Commissioner of Police Rupin Sharma said the POCSO and NDPS cases were a matter of concern to all of us and highlighted the stigmatization of the victims. ..Victims cannot be seen as social outcasts. We all need to respect victims and this can only change if society's mindset changes, he said. Sharma said a system needs to be put in place that encourages people to report without prejudice and maintains a degree of confidentiality not only for victims but also for their families and other witnesses. He called on police officers to investigate the details of these cases with due care to ensure the desired outcome.

He also said that Nagaland is an unarmed police-dominated state with 15 battalions of 16,000 personnel, approximately 50% of District Enforcement Force members are armed police, and 70% of the Nagaland Police is law and order police. reported that he was involved in the mission. This is not for research purposes.

To improve the professionalism and investigation of Nagaland Police, we need to change and reinvent, the DGP stressed. He added that the only way for the Nagaland Police to establish supremacy of the law in the state and enhance public trust and image is to improve investigations.

Further, Secretary Sharma referred to the increasing trend of drugs and urged police officers to handle these cases with extreme caution as they directly impact the health of the society and to make the most of this workshop. , instructed to check and identify the missing part of the drug. Close gaps by fixing deficiencies and closing loopholes.

Highlights of the program included two working sessions focused on the topics of Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act, 2012 and Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, 1985. Ta. Under this topic, various subjects were provided by resource persons. Assam Judicial Academy Director, Judiciary (Rtd) Mir Aifaz Ali. Co-Founder Enfold Trust, Consultant Obstetrician-Gynecologist and Child Protection Trainer Dr. Shabiya Saldaña, MD; Interaction with Mr. Rupin Sharma, DGP (Nagaland), IPS and District and Sessions Judge (Rtd) and Teachers Judicial Academy (SP Moitra, Assam). IAS Anup Kinch, Secretary and Chief Justice of the Ministry of Law and Justice, also spoke. H&FW Director-General and Secretary, V. Kezo.




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