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Branding of a unique parliamentary democracy


The PTI government seems determined to prove to the world that it has discovered a unique mark of "parliamentary democracy", which can be achieved and maintained even without a living parliament.

Without setting a substantial agenda, he continues to convene the sessions of the National Assembly. Almost each of their sessions still forces people to question the value and usefulness of this forum. Tuesday's session was no exception. Rather, it could prompt the millions of people who remain in this country to start praying for the rapid disappearance of "such an unnecessary institution."

The day was reserved for private initiatives in legislation. Many members on both sides of the house had prepared more than thirty laws with assiduous vigor. Some of the proposed laws, if passed by the National Assembly, could certainly introduce radically new practices.

For example, there was a bill, proposed by Junaid Akbar of PTI, which wanted provincial assemblies to elect senators by show of hands, rather than stamping the ballot in secret. Another, much more important bill was introduced by Sardar Akhter Mengal of the Baluchistan National Assembly.

If approved, the proposed law would prevent "foreigners" from registering as "permanent residents" of Gwadar, having the right to vote in elections held to obtain representatives of that city for the National Assembly and provincial.

Since the development of a state-of-the-art port in Gwadar in early 2000, the overwhelming majority of its residents continue to suspect, all too strongly, that "foreigners" will eventually take control of their city. The high-profile launch of the CPEC had heightened their anxiety. The bill proposed by Akhter Mengal on Tuesday will certainly send a reassuring message.

Things surely went smoothly and purely commercial, when Qasim Suri, the vice president, suddenly decided to give the floor to Murad Saeed. Nothing on the agenda required intervention. And immediately after speaking, this young PTI defender clearly expressed the intention to lynch Shahbaz Sharif while taking advantage of the opportunity to speak on a point of order.

With a loud rebuke tone and mocking words, Saeed has been trying to seem overly agitated about the absence of the Leader of the Opposition in the past few months. . With the greatest contempt, he also recalled that the president of the PML-N had gone to London, apparently to take care of his older brother, Nawaz Sharif. The former prime minister had spent time in prison for committing a serious crime of corruption. His degraded state of health provided grounds for requesting his release on bail.

Shahbaz Sharif, Murad Saeed continued with contemptuous anger, was himself released on bail after spending several months in prison. But he vouched for and signed a bond, vowing that after fixing his health problems, Nawaz Sharif would return to Pakistan. Several months have passed since then. The two brothers have not yet arrived in the country.

The front benches of the PML-N were almost deserted when Saeed spoke. He could thus run away while also recalling that, like his father, Hamza Shahbaz Sharif was also facing serious corruption charges. Her younger brother, Suleiman Shahbaz, also committed such crimes. But he escaped possible arrest and subsequent investigations after fleeing abroad. The whole Sharif family, Saeed chased thunder, is a "gang of thieves and looters" and most of them are "wanted criminals".

It didn't end there. As if after "showing the mirror" to the PML-N, he changed his anger towards the PPP and started again to complain about the number of deaths that continue to occur in the hometown of Bhuttos, Larkana, due stray dog ​​bites.

Despite negligible numbers, the PPP could not bear it. Led by Mrs. Shazia Marri, they reminded the vice-president that the session was reserved for private initiatives in the legislation. Qasim Suri did not behave in the caliber of his office while giving the floor to a federal minister for having scored points against the opposition that day.

The stern-faced Suri remained deaf to their objections. It also prompted some members of the PML-N to stand up and start shouting rude language at the person of Murad Saeed. As if to "put Saeed in his place", Qadir Patel entered the house spectacularly. At a previous session of the National Assembly a few weeks ago, this PPP member from Karachi made a spicy speech, which targeted Saeed and his leader with ruthless use of innuendos. The ITP felt embarrassed and disconcerted by his speech.

Saeed was unwilling to bow Tuesday. He continued with a speech of aggression. In desperation, some 20 opposition members rushed to the speaker's platform and continued to yell at the vice president for telling him that he was not there. 39; was not fair. Suri was not yet moved.

It was obvious that after Murad Saeed, the opposition would forcefully demand the floor to respond to his speech. Suri prevented the same thing by suddenly adjourning the house until Wednesday morning. Murad Saeed indeed managed to deliver a highly provocative speech. I wonder how the opposition without a rudder would now want revenge.

Murad Saeed surely proved the scene thief on Tuesday. Some of the questions he asked the opposition were certainly powerful and legitimate. Taking the opposition, however, he conveniently forgot that at the start of Tuesday's meeting, Raja Riaz, a member of Faisalabad's PTI had also embarrassed the government by vigorously taking Razzaque Dawood, the trade adviser.

Raja Riaz is a very experienced politician from Faisalabad. He enjoys almost invincible support in his home constituency which gives him solid strength to express his opinions bluntly. Speaking on a point of order, Raja Riaz complained aggressively that "all of the industrialists" in her city were actively considering closing their businesses. Most of them are Pakistan's main exporters, but the Minister of Trade is simply not willing to waste time responding to their grievances. Instead of responding to Raja’s speech, the government preferred to ignore it as a bad smell in a room.

Through a warning, three members of Balochistan also waved against a statement, attributed to the Prime Minister, in which Imran Khan had seemed "to intend to repay all the country's accumulated debts by selling Reko's assets Diq ".

This part of Balochistan, Reko Diq, is believed to have one of the largest reservoirs of gold and copper. Many of its blocks were handed over to a multinational company about two decades ago. As chief justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry, however, canceled the agreement with him on suspicion of "corrupt practices". The injured MNC went to an international court and, after a long legal battle, won the case, which fined Pakistan for allegedly breaching the contract. Since then, Reko Diq has been constantly waiting for new investors.

Yet Baluchistan's lawmakers have joined in to aggressively ask how the Prime Minister could decide to pay Pakistan's accumulated debts by selling the assets of Reko Diq. Article 158 of our constitution clearly states that only the provincial government has absolute authority over the use of natural resources on its territory.

Omar Ayub, the minister of energetic energy was not present in the house. In his absence, Khayal Zaman, the parliamentary secretary, tried to appease. He clearly failed to satisfy, instead provoked Akhter Mengal to deliver a deadly speech on the matter.

With the clear intention of appeasing Mengal, who otherwise is a weighty "ally" of the ruling coalition, Ali Mohammad Khan spoke. The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs endeavored to appease and please Akhtar Mengal and his comrades with a syrupy speech. Most of it, however, remained focused on percussion to the point that Imran Khan remained the one and only Prime Minister who was not "parish". His generous heart feels too strongly for marginalized segments, especially those living in an underdeveloped but resource-rich province like Balochistan.

Perhaps to compensate for the sycophant appeasement of Ali Mohammad Khan, Murad Saeed felt compelled to speak for speaking ruthlessly about the opposition.

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