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PM Modi at India Today Conclave: From startups to cracking down on corruption, here's what the PM said

PM Modi at India Today Conclave: From startups to cracking down on corruption, here's what the PM said


Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the concluding session of the two-day India Today Conclave 2024. In his opening speech, Prime Minister Modi spoke about government projects, startups, digital revolution, women empowerment and his 'Mission 2047'.

These were Prime Minister Modi's first remarks after the Election Commission announced the schedule for the Lok Sabha elections on Saturday.

In his speech, Prime Minister Modi said, “Just today, the process of the world's largest democratic festival has begun in India and this conclave is being held on this important occasion. Today, when the whole world is caught in the whirlwind of uncertainty, it is very certain that India will continue to develop at a rapid pace. »

Prime Minister Modi said that the mood of the nation today is to build a 'Viksit Bharat' (developed India) and make India the third largest economy in the world.

“Whenever I come on such a platform, people expect me to make headlines. I am a person who does not work on headlines, but on deadlines” said Prime Minister Modi.


Prime Minister Modi, during his opening speech, said his aim and preparations were to serve the people beyond 2029. In response to the welcome speech by India Today Group Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Aroon Purie , the Prime Minister said his eyes are not fixed on 2029 but that he is “preparing and aiming for 2047”.

“Aroon ji, send your entire team to find out what Modi is. Let them understand. You are stuck in 2029, I am preparing for 2047,” the Prime Minister said to thunderous cheers from the audience,” he said. he declares.


Speaking about the success of the government’s Startup India programme, PM Modi said, “Till 10 years ago, there were only a few hundred startups. Today, there are around 1.25 lakh registered startups.

Prime Minister Modi said that India's startup revolution is not limited to Bangalore as they are spread across more than 600 districts. “Young people from tier 2 and 3 cities are leading the startup revolution,” he said.


Prime Minister Modi spoke about two government projects, Mudra and PM Swanidhi, crediting them with transforming the lives of people in rural and semi-urban areas.

“In our country, to get help from banks, young people had to give guarantees everywhere. But the Mudra Yojana also gave loans to young people who had nothing to give guarantees. Without guarantees, banks gave loans loans of Rs 26 lakh. crore to small scale industries. Out of these, around eight crore people are beneficiaries who have started their own business for the first time in their lives,” PM Modi said.

PM Modi said that under PM Swanidhi's scheme, street vendors got cheap and easy loans for the first time and that too without collateral.

“I congratulate them for the way they have embraced digital India. I think it has been a great job. Those who were insulted, called illiterate, these street vendors, are today the face of the revolution digital technology of India,” Prime Minister Modi said.

The Prime Minister said his motivation for launching this project was his life experience, as he had “seen the wealth of the poor and the poverty of the rich”.

“That’s why I had the courage to decide to give money to street vendors without collateral,” he said.


Prime Minister Modi highlighted the importance of women empowerment through his Namo Drone Didi programme.

“Today, girls are drone pilots. Women from villages, who would never have ridden a bike, are now becoming drone pilots. You can't even imagine how much its multiplier effect will be in society,” Prime Minister Modi said.

The Prime Minister said he had distributed agricultural drones to village women to “break the [social] psyche” which does not approve of women even driving tractors.

“Even today, when girls drive tractors in villages, it surprises people. I wanted to break that psyche. I wanted to show that girls can also fly drones,” the Prime Minister said at the India Today conclave .


At the India Today conclave, Prime Minister Modi highlighted how government schemes help save money for the poor.

“According to a study, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan saves over Rs. 60,000 crore of poor people every year. Similarly, through Ayushman Bharat scheme, poor people have avoided spending Rs 1 lakh crore. Our government provides medicines at “80 percent discount at Jan Aushadhi centers. Through this, Rs 30,000 crore was saved and was not spent by the poor,” he said.


Prime Minister Modi said a major aspect of his governance was zero tolerance for corruption.

“Each agency is completely independent in fighting corruption. The ED (Law Enforcement Directorate) has arrested a large number of terrorist financing criminals, cybercrime criminals and narcotics criminals. Assets worth thousands of millions of these people have been attached,” PM Modi said.

“Till 2014, the Enforcement Directorate seized properties worth around Rs 5,000 crore. But in the last 10 years, this number exceeded Rs 1 lakh crore. Moreover, at “Over the last 10 years, the number of cases of prosecutions and complaints has increased by 10 times more than before 2014. This is a testament to the transparency with which India is moving forward today,” he said. added.

The Prime Minister said that when such rapid action is taken against corruption, it is natural that “some people will feel sick to their stomachs”.

“That is why they are running a campaign of abusing Modi day and night. The country is also seeing that the policies, intentions and loyalty of these people are being questioned in every way. The country is telling these people clearly – sorry,” he said.

PM Modi also expressed confidence that the BJP would return to power for a third consecutive term at the Centre.

“It's election time, so our opposition friends are busy weaving dreams on paper. But Modi is going beyond dreams and moving forward with determination. I can say with certainty that all five The coming years will make India the third largest economic power in the world. “The next five years will be the guarantee of a stable, capable and strong India in the face of this uncertain world,” he said.

Published by:

Rishabh Sharma

Published on:

March 17, 2024




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