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How much do voters care about Donald Trump's legal troubles? : NPR

How much do voters care about Donald Trump's legal troubles?  : NPR


NPR's Leila Fadel speaks with Republican strategist Rina Shah about whether a conviction would hurt former President Donald Trump's re-election chances?


Former President Donald Trump's trial over money paid to adult film star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign begins next month. How concerned are voters about the numerous lawsuits filed by the presumptive Republican Party nominee, and what impact could a conviction in this case have on Trump's chances of winning the presidency? Political campaign strategist Rina Shah joins us to discuss. She is a Republican and identifies as a Never Trumper, since the 2016 convention. Welcome, Rina.


FADEL: Hello. So if Trump is found guilty in the hush money trial, what do you think the political fallout could be?

SHAH: I think it would be intense because it's the only trial that is distinct in nature. This is the one that I believe could have the greatest impact on public perception, as well as the outcome of the election. If we see a convicted felon in the former president of the United States, it should change the minds of many Republicans who have stood by him and given him support that seems unwavering for four years. But there are a larger number of Republicans who have proven in these early primaries, and certainly in the heart of primary season when candidate Nikki Haley was still around, that maybe they wanted someone else . And so, again, the outcome of what happens in this hush money criminal case, again, to me, is very different than what might take place in Georgia or Florida or even here in the District of Columbia.

FADEL: What makes this case so special compared to cases surrounding classified documents or the January 6 election?

SHAH: Simply put, this one has less complications and drama. Now, yes, she is a former pornographic actress. But if you look at what just happened in Atlanta with Fulton County Prosecutor Fani Willis from January until last week, we saw her basically go to trial. Again, this was a case where it became rather disheartening for a lot of people who felt that this was a strong case – again, the racketeering charges that this prosecutor brought against Trump. This trial will continue. Everything there, says Fani Willis, is intact and they are still ready to go. But public perception has changed somewhat.

And again, also in Florida, when you look at classified documents, we just saw Special Advisor Hur on Capitol Hill talking about classified documents and Joe Biden. So there's a bit of anything in this case. And then, of course, the January 6 affair and the former president's involvement in that affair and essentially the events of January 6, the Capitol riot, there are a lot of Republicans who still feel that he should not be held responsible in this matter. case. So, to me, those three present more complicated factors than New York, which is a little simpler and touches the public consciousness a little more directly.

FADEL: I mean, I'm just listening to you talk about all this stuff. Of course, we know all this is happening, but Trump is about to become the first president in U.S. history to be tried on criminal charges. What do you think of the situation in which the country finds itself?

SHAH: It's a bit shocking to the system. And any political pundit who claims to know what's going to happen from here on is simply not telling the truth, because we're in territory we've never had to navigate. We have never seen two presumptive presidential candidates surrounded by such circumstances. And of course, when we talk about the Republican candidate, the situation is completely different. The current president is in no way the same universe as former President Trump, because he is the only president in modern history – we have no comparison. You can't even make a Nixon comparison here. So, constitutionally speaking, I think the Republicans are in a very difficult situation. And I believe we're getting closer to a negotiated convention as soon as Trump gets a conviction.

FADEL: That's political strategist and former senior Congressional adviser Rina Shah. Thank you, Rina.

SHAH: Thank you.

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