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Xi Jinping courts Western companies as intelligence agencies issue warnings | News

Xi Jinping courts Western companies as intelligence agencies issue warnings |  News


ChinaCounterintelligence officials have warned companies under Beijings jurisdiction that sharing information with Western business consulting firms could seriously endanger national security.

This information, if accumulated to a certain extent and analyzed comprehensively, can reflect important information about our economic functioning, national defense and military. according to Chinese Ministry of State Security.

The warning accompanied a video describing an alleged incident in which a consultancy firm exploited its relationship with a Chinese client on behalf of foreign spy agencies, as explained by the South China Morning Post. The message highlights the tense dynamics of international economic relations that Chinese officials want to develop, even as the communist regime and Western powers view each other with growing suspicion.

We will provide broader development space for American and foreign companies, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said Thursday. In trade cooperation, the two sides should remain committed to mutual respect, mutual benefits and consultations on an equal footing, mutual respect for development rights, and striving for win-win results for the two countries and for the world as a whole.

Chinese President Xi Jinping received representatives of the American business, strategic and academic communities on Wednesday.

President Xi Jinping has stressed that China's economy is healthy and sustainable, Lin said. China has not collapsed as the China Collapse theory predicts, nor will it reach its peak as the China Peak theory predicts. China's reform will not stop and its opening-up will not stop. We will provide broader development space for American and foreign companies.

China's emergence as a major economic power comes with significant security risks, Western officials say. Chinese telecommunications companies such as Huawei are seen in Western circles as platforms for Beijing's spy agencies, in part because of a national security law that requires cooperation with the communist regime. TikTok, a Chinese-owned social media app, faces being banned in the United States, and U.S. intelligence officials reportedly warned Congress that another Chinese company transferred U.S. intellectual property to Beijing without consent, according to Reuters.

“We are not aware of any unauthorized transfer by WuXi AppTec of data or intellectual property from a U.S. customer to China,” a WuXi AppTec spokesperson said. said THURSDAY. Protecting our customers' information is of the utmost importance to us and we store it in accordance with their instructions.

Global heavyweights have also traded cyberespionage allegations and promoted internal warnings to mitigate potential vulnerabilities. U.S. officials and several allied governments, for example, have unveiled allegations that a Chinese hacking group targeted Western politicians as part of a sprawling hacking spree.

Foreign interference of this nature is unacceptable and we have urged China to refrain from such activities in the future, said New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters. said Tuesday. New Zealand will continue to speak out consistently and predictably when we see concerning behavior like this.

Peters' statement is consistent with the parallel allegations from the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as Finland. Chinese officials have denied the accusation, accompanied by their own warning about a foreign hacker.

The foreign hacking group also infiltrated hundreds of networks of domestic companies and government units, in preparation for larger-scale criminal activities, the Ministry of State Security said. claims last week.


The Chinese agency did not identify the business consulting firm accused of working with foreign spies, but several foreign consulting firms [have been] targeted in raids over the past year, as noted by the South China Morning Post. The raids stoked concern in the business community that economic pragmatism had taken a back seat to ideological and national security priorities, as the New York Times Put the.

American companies are optimistic about China's development prospects, will maintain their strong commitment to the Chinese market and pursue close and long-term cooperation with China, Lin said.

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