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Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal's custody extended till April 1 in corruption case

Delhi Chief Minister Kejriwal's custody extended till April 1 in corruption case


An Indian court on Thursday extended the custody of opposition leader and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal until April 1 in a corruption case linked to the territory's alcohol policy. national capital, local media reported.

India's financial crime agency arrested Kejriwal last week in connection with corruption allegations linked to the city's alcohol policy and he was detained until Thursday, weeks before before India begins voting in the general elections on April 19.

Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) claims the case is fabricated and politically motivated. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government and his Bharatiya Janata Party deny political interference and say law enforcement is doing their job.

All top AAP leaders were already in jail in this case before Kejriwal's arrest.

Calling his arrest a “political conspiracy,” Kejriwal, 55, told reporters outside court Thursday that “the public would respond to this.” Speaking later in the court, he said the Enforcement Directorate (ED), which arrested him, was aiming to crush the AAP.

ED's lawyers told the court they needed Kejriwal in custody for another seven days as he was “deliberately not cooperating” and needed to be questioned further.

Kejriwal's arrest has sparked protests in recent days in the national capital and the neighboring northern state of Punjab, also governed by the AAP.

Dozens of AAP supporters were arrested on Tuesday as they tried to march to Modi's residence to demand his release. Some AAP workers who were protesting and distributing leaflets to commuters outside a busy metro station in central Delhi were also arrested on Thursday.

“This is the time when we campaign (for elections), our leaders are put in jail, arrested… they (the federal government) prevent us from campaigning, (but) no one can stop us from winning” , declared a demonstrator. ANI news agency.

A joint rally of the 'INDIA' alliance, made up of more than two dozen political parties, including the AAP, is planned for Sunday in the capital to protest the arrest.

The issue has also attracted international attention, with the United States and Germany calling for a “fair” and “impartial” trial in the case, prompting New Delhi to tell Washington and Berlin that legal proceedings Indian laws are based on an independent judiciary and should remain so. away from its internal affairs.




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