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Biden, 81, repeats his lie that he traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese leader Xi Jinping… before calling himself 'O'Biden' while discussing the Obama administration

Biden, 81, repeats his lie that he traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese leader Xi Jinping… before calling himself 'O'Biden' while discussing the Obama administration


President Joe Biden repeated his lie that he traveled 17,000 miles with the Chinese premier in his latest failed speech, where he also referred to the “O'Biden” administration.

The 81-year-old was speaking at a White House event to mark Greek Independence Day on Thursday when he repeated the false remarks.

He reiterated the long-denied claim that he covered many topics during visits with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Biden reiterated that assertion while recounting an anecdote about how President Xi once asked him to define America.

“Xi Jinping asked me one day, and I traveled 17,000 miles with him. I was on the Tibetan plateau. He looked at me and asked, “Can you define America?” I could say the same thing if he asked me to define Greece.

President Joe Biden repeated his lie that he traveled 17,000 miles with the Chinese prime minister in his latest failed speech.

President Joe Biden repeated his lie that he traveled 17,000 miles with the Chinese prime minister in his latest failed speech.

The 81-year-old reiterated the claims during a speech at the White House to mark Greek Independence Day.

The 81-year-old reiterated the claims during a speech at the White House to mark Greek Independence Day.

Biden repeated this lie at least 21 times as proof of the relationship he managed to maintain with the Chinese premier.

Biden repeated this lie at least 21 times as proof of the relationship he managed to maintain with the Chinese premier.

'I said 'yes, a word' and I mean it, it's on record, I said 'possibilities'.'

The president is fond of this assertion, which earned him the rating of “bottomless Pinocchio” from the Washington Post. The Post describes this distinction as “false or misleading statements repeated so often that they have become a form of propaganda.”

The outlet rescinded the statement in 2021 after noting that the president had reiterated it approximately 21 times.

Biden has repeatedly used the 17,000-mile figure to illustrate the work he has done to foster a relationship with President Xi.

The White House has never explained this figure. If Biden's trips with Xi – on the same plane or vehicle – are added up, it's well under 17,000. If his trip to meet Xi is counted, it's more.

However, that statement wasn't the only gaffe in the speech, which included an embarrassing moment where the octogenarian referred to “the O'Biden administration” instead of Obama.

Confusion arose when Biden stumbled over his words, drawing laughter from the crowd before straightening up.

The Washington Post refuted this claim in 2021, proving that the 17,000 figure was either a massive overcalculation or an undercalculation, with the White House refusing to confirm.

The Washington Post refuted this claim in 2021, proving that the 17,000 figure was either a massive overcalculation or an undercalculation, with the White House refusing to confirm.

During the same error-filled speech Thursday, Biden also accidentally referred to his tenure as vice president as

During the same error-filled speech Thursday, Biden also accidentally referred to his tenure as vice president as “the O'Biden administration.”

The failures are the latest in a series of embarrassing incidents for the president, who was recently forced to deny a scathing DOJ report that concluded he suffered from “impaired faculties and a faulty memory.”

The long-awaited investigation into his mishandling of classified documents delivered a damning assessment of the president's abilities.

While the report does not recommend filing charges, it provides a cascade of damaging conclusions about the records found in Biden's garage as well as the president's fitness for office.

In interviews with investigators, Biden became confused about the dates he was vice president and couldn't even remember the year his son Beau died.

Meanwhile, a poll found that only 38% of likely voters in 2024 believe Biden will be alive at the end of another four-year term.

But in his State of the Union address, the president appeared to use his advanced age to his advantage.

“I was told I was too old,” he says. “Whether I was young or old, I always knew… what lasts. I knew our North Star: the whole idea of ​​America is that we are all created equal.




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