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Trump, at fundraiser, says he wants immigrants from beautiful countries

Trump, at fundraiser, says he wants immigrants from beautiful countries


Former President Donald J. Trump, speaking Saturday night at a multimillion-dollar fundraiser, lamented that people aren't immigrating to the United States from nice countries like Denmark and suggested that his well-heeled dining companions were temporarily safe from undocumented immigrants. nearby, according to one participant.

Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, made the comments during a roughly 45-minute presentation at a dinner at a mansion owned by billionaire financier John Paulson in Palm Beach, Fla., an island community rarefied.

Guests were seated outside at white-clad tables under a white tent, overlooking the waterway that separates wealthy West Palm Beach, a more diverse, continental city, according to the attendee, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the event. private event, but provided a detailed reading of Mr. Trump's remarks.

Dozens of wealthy donors helped write checks that the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee said totaled more than $50 million, an amount that would set a record but has not been verified. Campaign finance reports including the event date will not be available for months.

Some of Mr. Trump's comments were standard fare from his stump speeches, while other parts of the speech were tailored to his wealthy audience.

About halfway through his speech, the listener said, Mr. Trump launched into a lengthy speech about migrants entering the United States, at a time when President Biden is grappling with an intensifying crisis at the southern border .

These are people who come from jails and prisons. They come from places and countries that are just incredible, countries that are a disaster, Mr. Trump told his guests, according to the attendee. The former president placed a similar assertion at the heart of his campaign speeches.

He then appeared to reference an episode during his presidency in which he drew sharp criticism after an Oval Office meeting with federal lawmakers on immigration in which he described Haiti and some African countries as shitty countries, compared to countries like Norway.

And when I said, you know, why can't we allow people to come from nice countries, I'm trying to be nice, Mr. Trump said at the dinner, to make the crowd laugh. Beautiful countries, you know like Denmark, Switzerland? Do we have people coming from Denmark? And Switzerland? And Norway?

He continued: “And you know, they took that as a very terrible comment, but I thought it was okay.

Mr. Trump went on to say that there were people coming from Yemen, where they were blowing themselves up everywhere.

At his rallies, Mr. Trump frequently laments migrants from a list of countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, stoking fears around the surge at the border, which he blames to an increase in crime, a charge that has not been supported by available data.

At the dinner, Mr. Trump also lamented the influx of migrants, particularly from Latin America, saying that gang members make the Hells Angels seem extremely nice people.

“They were shipped, brought, dropped off in our country, and they are with us tonight,” Mr. Trump said.

Actually, I don't think they're on that island, but I know they're on that island right there. This is West Palm, Mr. Trump said, gesturing across the water, according to the attendee. Congratulations there. But they will be there. Eventually they will be there.

Asked for comment, a Trump campaign official pointed to an official report of the former president's event, including that he discussed the border crisis and the tax cuts he passed during his term. The official did not address the specific quotes and did not respond to a question about whether the campaign disputed them.

Mr. Paulsons' estate sits along the waterway that separates the city from Palm Beach, a wealthy barrier island community that the Census Bureau says is 93.8 percent white from West Palm. Beach, where nearly a third of residents are black and a quarter. are Hispanic.

Mr. Trump blamed his successor, Mr. Biden, for the influx of migrants and mocked him and his aides for what Mr. Trump called poor decisions made around the Resolute Desk, which was used by two dozen presidents.

The Resolute Desk is beautiful, Mr. Trump said. Ronald Reagan used it, others used it.

He then disparaged Mr. Biden, appearing disgusted, according to the participant: And he's using it. I might not use it next time. He was soiled. And I mean that literally, which is sad.

The attendee who witnessed the moment said the diners laughed and Mr. Trump's remark was interpreted as the former president saying Mr. Biden had defecated on the desk.

Mr. Trump also sought to highlight parts of his record that might appeal to the wealthy donors in attendance. He highlighted tax cuts under his administration and asked attendees if they had a preference for that measure or for his regulations that allowed them to take advantage of specific deductions, according to the attendee.

The most successful people in the entire country are in this room, Mr. Trump said.

He ended his speech with a serious assessment of America's future that has characterized his presidential campaigns, but with a more apocalyptic tenor in 2024.

This could very well be the last election this country ever has, Mr. Trump said, using a line that has become standard at his rallies. The 4th of July is not as important to me.




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