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'It would be unbearable': Xi Jinping warns that no one can prevent 'family reunions' between China and Taiwan

'It would be unbearable': Xi Jinping warns that no one can prevent 'family reunions' between China and Taiwan


Chinese President Xi Jinping said Wednesday he looks forward to the next “family reunion” with China, warning that no one can stand in Beijing's way, according to the South China Morning Post.

Xi met with former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou in Beijing on Wednesday to discuss cross-Strait relations; China has not hosted a sitting Taiwanese leader except Ma since the island declared independence in 1949. according to at SCMP. Xi relayed Beijing's long-standing message that China would “reunify” with Taiwan, which Ma said should be done through peaceful means. (RELATED: Asian countries shift alliances from the United States to China as Beijing steps up its economic and military efforts)

China views Taiwan as a rogue territory that must reconcile with the mainland and insists that other countries see the island the same way. Beijing has publicly said it hopes to bring Taiwan back peacefully, although it has not dismissed the possibility of forced reunification through invasion, a possibility that Western countries fear could trigger a world war.

US President Joe Biden (R) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) shake hands as they meet on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Nusa Dua on the Indonesian resort island of Bali on 14 November 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

“The compatriots on both sides are both Chinese,” Xi told Ma, according to the SCMP. “There are no hard feelings that cannot be resolved. No problem that can't be solved. And no force can separate us.

“Foreign interference,” Xi said, will not stop China from its “family reunification” with Taiwan.

Ma met with Xi at a “very favorable” time, as it allowed both sides to “calmly and rationally convey accurate public opinions”, said Zhu Songling, an expert on Taiwan affairs at the Union University of China. Beijing. Ma visited Xi during his term as president in 2015.

“I sincerely hope that both sides can respect the values ​​and lifestyles of their peoples,” Ma told Xi, according to the SCMP. “Recent tensions between the two sides… have triggered a sense of insecurity among the Taiwanese public. »

(Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

BEIJING, CHINA – OCTOBER 22: Members of the People's Liberation Army Orchestra march after the closing session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in front of the Great Hall of the People on October 22, 2022 in Beijing, China. China. (Photo by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)

“If there were a war, it would be unbearable for the Chinese nation, and for both sides of the conflict. [Taiwan] Detroit have the wisdom to handle their differences peacefully,” Ma said.

Beijing has better relations with Ma's party than with Taiwan's current ruling party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which opposes reunification with China. DPP member Lai Ching-te won the presidential election elections in January.

An airfield, buildings and structures are seen on the Chinese-built artificial island at Fiery Cross Reef October 25, 2022 in the Spratly Islands, South China Sea.  (Photo by Ezra Acayan/Getty Images)

An airfield, buildings and structures are seen on the Chinese-built artificial island at Fiery Cross Reef October 25, 2022 in the Spratly Islands, South China Sea. (Photo by Ezra Acayan/Getty Images)

The United States has deployed additional naval forces to the Taiwan region in recent weeks amid concerns over China's hostilities toward the island. China has been conducting increasingly aggressive maritime and air exercises in the Taiwan Strait region, likely in a bid to pressure the island into peaceful reunification with the mainland.

China's Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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